
High oil, stock market calaspe, run on banks?

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Just heard on cnbc about if this oil gets worsed, in the end this could cause a run on the banks.

I agree that it's past the time for blaming someone, the truth of the matter is that what happened has happened, and now we have to figure out what we can do about this, so we can take care of our next generation.

Any suggestions?




  1. Well, start with changing your government. I understand that who's a fault, or blaming someone will not help, However, if you don't get rid of the problem you will only continue down the same path, with the same stupid thinking that go us here to start with. We ne need to get rid of the existing people in our Government offices, for they have gotten so big and bold that their concern is self serving.

    Our Government and Big Business has forgotten the people that got them where they are, and money will come if you believe in the American people. But cheaper labor, larger profits, and or Government making friends and getting KICK BACK for passing bills in congress, are just killing the NATION.

    The NAFTA bill and laws need to be changed if not ended all together, Companies being able to move there business out of the US for cheaper labor and bring there good back with little or no tax has to stop. Greed is killing us, you move the company to Mexico for cheaper labor, however the price of the product has remained the same in the US, because the company wanted bigger return, and more profits, CEO sitting behind a deck of a company making 60 70 Million a year, give me a break. That's why we're losing everything.

  2. Recognize that predatory capitalism has to have limits. The Government following the Constitution has been granted that power by the people to protect the people from tyrants-and crooks foreign and domestic! This Bush43 administration has not done that and we have a mega-problem -a crisis of confidence in our business institutions and the Gov't that caters to them. I blame the heartless Republican's and the gutless Democrats. The two-party system is broke! We need a revolution in American politics and end the two-party-scam! I can't vote for either Obama who is playing it slick or McCain who can't seem to move past Bush43's foreign and domestic failures!

  3. 1st off, I am not a doomsayer, but rather a realist.  I am afraid the big boys have done what Hitler couldnt do.  How are we ever going to recover from this with nothing to work with??  We dont have steel mills, good paying jobs, factories to build things or any younger skilled workers ( try getting some lard a** kid to take up carpentry!!)  I think we are toast...

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