
High pitched voice, please help.?

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My daughter has a high pitched voice. However, sometimes it is normal. Does she have Asperger's. Is it something different? Can a speech pathologist help her?




  1. Yes, a Speech Pathologist can help her. Just because she has voice issues does not mean she has Asperger's Syndrome. There are many different causes for pitch problems. Make an appointment with a speech pathologist for a voice evaluation. You will most likely be referred to an ear, nose, and throat doctor to make sure all structures look normal. Then she will go back to the Speech Pathologist for voice therapy. You may be able to get a quick screening at her school with the speech pathologist... that is if they aren't overloaded. Good Luck

  2. It may be a breath control issue. Sometimes kids don't breathe properly when they are speaking. We had that issue with my grand niece who spoke in a feathery, breathless voice. We had her do a lot of blowing activities, like bubbles and balloons. However, I am not a speech path. Go to the school and ask that she be screened by a speech path. This will help more than anything. She can tell you if there is a problem.

    It also relates to age. Many girls have what I call a "radio" voice until they are around 7.

  3. The pitch of the voice is usually relational to the vocal chords. Hormones also produce changes in the voice. Why would you assume the pitch of your daughter's voice indicates a developmental or neurological disorder?

    You should consult a speech therapist to see if she has any physiological disorder if you are concerned. I am not sure how old your daughter is or how you expect her voice to sound. There are many adults with high pitched voices.

    Ruling out any disease or problem, I think you should think of this as 'some kids are tall and some kids are petite.'

    And people do periodically change the pitch of their voice for various reasons so get her checked to make sure. Being tired, talking or singing excessively or having are cold are all examples of situations that change the pitch of the voice.

  4. no offense, but you should accpet your daughters flaws and love her b/c of them.  i have worked with special needs children for 6 years 24/7 during the 3 months of the summer.  the best thing for us is to accept the children for who they are.

    i understand u r just curious but trying just accepting it.

  5. Yes, a speech pathologist should be able to help her depending on the cause of the high pitch. Ask her school to provide her with a Speech-language evaluation. Sometimes a local university may have a speech and hearing clinic where she can be evaluated there for free or for very little cost to you. A high pitched voice can be a number of things and unless there are other underlying issues you are seeing it is not likely Asperger's Syndrome. Pitch problems can often be related to the structures of the throat or the "larynx" if she is hypertense it could be causing her pitch to be high. It might be very simple for a speech therapist to bring her pitch down. First you want to rule out any physical pathologies she may have. Don't stress too much! There is always an avenue.

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