
High school Classes/Schedule?

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Okay, so take a look at this schedule:

Period One-

Semester one: Art & Technology

Semester Two: P.E

Period Two-

Honors English

Period Three-

Advanced World Studies

Period Four-

Advanced Biology

Period Five-

Fine Arts

Period Six-

German I

Period Seven-

CP Algebra I

I have basically no classes with my friends. And as you can see, pretty much everything is advanced. Should I drop the Honors English for an easy class/way to be with my friends or keep it for a good high school transcript? I need opinions. I am not dropping my advanced biology or my math because I want to go into an astronomy/physics related field, but I will not drop my AP World Studies because I might go to one of the military academies (Annapolis, USAFA). Last year I scooted by with a C in Advanced Language Arts but I had a harsh teacher. Should I drop Honors English? You be the judge.




  1. Dont bother taking an honors class to get a C.  Strive for an A, I mean because you wont get extra credit, for your GPA without an A.  But try for at least a B.

    No lunch?  Lol arent you starving!

  2. Coming from a current college student myself I can tell you education should always come first plus just because you don't have the same classes as your friends does not mean you won't ever see them.  There is always between classes, lunch, and after school.  I say stick to those advanced classes because they really do look great with colleges you will applying to later on.  So don't just give up on a great class just to hang with your buddies because true friends will always stick with you even if you don't see them all the time.  

  3. when u apply for college one day you will be very happy you took those advanced classes. I did and it paid off. I got into the Honors Engineering college at Texas A&M as a freshman three years ago and it was well worth it. Education is huge I know it sounds like a bunch of c**p when you are young but it seriously pays off when you go to college and look for a job $$$$$

  4. NO

    you will make new friends. think of it as practice for making friends when you first go to college.

    and if your friends are good ones, whether you have classes with them or not shouldn't matter anyway.  

  5. I say: No, YOU be the judge. Talk with things like this to your school counselor so they can gear you towards what career choice you want to take up. Different schools specialize in different things, so many classes, may look good, but may not be what you need in the long run. Once again, a counselor would help.

  6. DONT DROP classes for friends.EVER

  7. the reason youre in there bc ur smart stay in and u will have plenty of time to c ur friends DONT WORRY B HAPPY

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