
High school classes to take

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i want to go into law, and i'm already taking debate, what other classes would be a good idea? any other suggestions?




  1. If you want to go to law school, then you'll probably major in a related field. So for high school, you should be taking every AP class you can get your hands on (that you know you'll do well in). You didn't mention what grade you're in, but U.S. History AP, Human Geography AP, Economics AP, etc would help you quite a bit. As for extra curricular, such as debate, you should run for student council/student government (as already suggested) and Model United Nations (MUN) if you're school offers this. If it doesn't offer this, it's quite easy to start a group, you just need a teacher to sponsor you and permission from the school's administration. Info about MUN:

    But basically at this point in your life your preparation for law school (which is a postgraduate school, at least 5 years away if you're going to be a senior this year), is all up to you. With the help of a few other extra curricular activities like Debate, MUN, and Student Council. So here is a list of interesting law books recommended for those planning on going into law in the future: (All the books under the "Before Law School" section)

    I would read one or two of these books that you think you would find interesting, or even more than one or two. It all depends on how committed you are to being prepared. But most important in your preparation is to achieve and maintain amazing grades. That is most definitely the most important. Best of luck.

  2. I would say anything including legal practices or business manuevers.  You'll want to take classes that will teach you the skills, fundamentals, and details that you need to be sucessful in a court of law or when debating a case, or, more preferrably, lead into such courses so that you have an idea of what you're doing.  I suggest seeing if your school provides a booklet that gives information pertaining to each course, as well as the qualifier classes you need to take beforehand.  Our highschool did this, and it's proved to be a big help in determining what I can and can't take freshman year, as well as what is best for my interests.  I can't provide any specifics; I want to go into design!  :]

    And, by the way, feel free to email me.  I'm about to go into highschool, and I'd love to talk to someone in the same position, someone that I haven't been going to school with for the past nine to ten years. Hahaha. :]

  3. Apply for student government in your school and if it doesnt have one talk to your grade advisor or principal good luck:)

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