
High school diploma question?

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my mom home schooled me my last semester of high school because i only needed 2 classes to graduate. she did not go through a program and therefore my diploma is not registered with the state of ohio. i found this out after attending a year of college. now i want to transfer colleges and i can't get in. is there anyway my college credits could count as high school credits or is there anyway to go about fixing this without having to sit through the ged test because i really do not want to go that route.




  1. If they're not accpeting you there's more to it than this UNLESS it's a NY college  NY absolutely Requires a HS or GED

    NY is weird about that.

    Some HS give General Dipolmas as well as College Major diplomas.  Less credits are required for the General diploma.

    YOu need to talk to your school and school board and see what can be done.

    In CA you needed 150 credit to graduate with a College Major and only 120 credits for a General major.

  2. That makes no sense. If you are transferring, they don't need your high school information, they only need your current college transcript. Sounds iffy to me...what kind of school are you looking at?

    Are you going from junior college to a university? Because sometimes you have to do two  years there before you have enough credits to transfer.

  3. Call HSLDA for advice or your state homeschool association.  They will help you. You should have no problems with college and a homeschool diploma.  There are laws about that.

  4. Why can't you get in? Colleges and universities admit homeschoolers WITHOUT diplomas all the time. They even actively recruit them. You just need to figure out the school's requirements for homeschoolers. If it isn't on their website, call the admissions office and ask.

  5. the college you want to transfer to will not accept you as a transfer student after completing a full year of study?

    Sweetie, find another school to take your money. seriously.

    If this is the school you must attend then do not accept this answer, go to a counselor and explain the situation, that you are a transfer student and you were homeschooled the last semester of highschool. You should be able to get a copy of your transcript for the other 3.5 yrs, but if one college accepted it, I don't understand why this one won't ESPECIALLY when you already have a year under your belt.

    Keep workin on them, but do not resort to the GED unless you cannot go on without attending this college and there is no other way.

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