
High school drop out and a loser?!?

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My friend dropped out of school for a health reason that is completely avoidable if you take the regular medicine. She dropped out of school to take schooling online because she doesn't want to do makeup homework all the time. I thought this MIGHT be okay but she DIDN'T do her homework! I told her in a friend-way to do her homework but to no avail. They dropped her off the program and she decided to quit her job. So now she sleeps till two p.m. or later everyday and doesn't do a single thing. She smokes, goes to parties nonestop and wears S****y clothes. She's slowly losing her friends and her will to do ANYTHING. Her MOTHER is incompetent and asks me for advice on what to do with her own child... What is some advice for this cituation? Should I dump her as a friend because she's a loser and I don't need her or her mother on my back for support? Should I tell her to do an activity to take up her time. If so, what? Should I tell her to get off her a*ss and get a JOB?!




  1. Yeah shes gonna have to find out for herself that her life is a mess!! And her mom shouldnt be bothering you either. Both of you are powerless over her decisions. I mean if shes your friend stick by her or leave her alone if shes dragging you down..

  2. I think from personal experience as a drop out loser, she sounds depressed and she needs and wants someone who cares enough to kick in the ***!

    I say stay by her don't follow her but maybe go over around two so you're the first to influence her just tell a page at a time maybe bring your work over there.

    talk about her plans and dreams and remind her that they are still reachable but sometimes God has different plans for everyone.

    I know that if I never droped out I would not had my daughter. I had to live full of lesson before I realized my that I need to finish school and live out my dreams?! good luck?!

  3. A true friend would tell her what she NEEDS to hear, even if she hates you for it. Tell her the truth, let her know you love her and that you'll be happy to help her out when she decides to grow up and fix her life, and then you need to move on. You cannot help her if she's determined to keep on going that way.

    Her mom needs to be a mom, but obviously that isn't going to happen. It's really sad.

  4. She needs her mother to tell her what to do and to help her....but her mother doesn't even know what to do....she might just need someone to tell her to stop being lazy but say it very bluntly in a serious her your concerned about her...if she continues to be lazy and do nothing you might have to get a new friend cause you know what they say you are a reflection of who you hang with

  5. no dont dropp her but ashe will come to realize when she gets older that she will be stuck with a lil ol job that only pays like 2 bucks an hour and blame it on her dumb teenage years ans thats when u sit back and be happy while she faces the future

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