
High school geek help?

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ok, so I just moved about a year ago and finished jr high. I started high school a few days ago, and I know a decent amount of people and have friends.

But in this high school, there are like 4 junior highs and barely any of my friends go to my class.

So theres no one in my biology class, and there was only one spot to sit and it was by this kid nobody likes. I asked him if I could sit there and he said sure. Now he thinks I'm like his friend or something.

I don't want to be frends with this kid since no one really likes this kid and i dont want him following me around.

How do I make him stop thinking he's my friend? I dont want to be mean about it kuz I dont want anyone getting depressed or anything.




  1. You're shallow. You don't want to be his friend because nobody else is his friend? How stupid is that. It's ridiculous. How about you be above everybody else and DO be this guys friend? That would definitely make you a better person than they are. You should be more mature than this, not sink to "everyone" elses level. Good luck.

  2. well, personally, I think you should be nice to him, just because he has no friends. you don't have to talk to him all the time, just say hi once and a while. But if he does start following you around, maybe introduce him to some other nerds lol. or just say you want to be acquaintances.

  3. Well I wouldnt ditch him just because no one likes him. Although if he comes off annoying, and you guys just dont have the same interest then maybe he just wants to talk. Just because you talk with him doesnt mean he is/ have to be a friend.

    Other than that you should probably start trying to keep your distance from him...  

  4. Just be friends with him, so what if other people don't like you... see what he is like before you act mean to him, if he is nice then he can be your friend and he will get more friends because of you...

  5. Aren't you a ray of sunshine? You don't want to be his friend, because he's Punk, differing musical tastes, and nobody likes him??  What's up with that? Be nice to the kid, he hasn't done anything bad to you. He let you sit next to him when there were no seats. If he had shunned you as well, where would you be? Sitting on the floor?

  6. People like you corrupt this world, and make people want to stop breathing.

  7. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but high school is such a minor part of your life.  

    Don't be rude to the kid, talk to him, but don't hesitate to talk to others.  This kid will have no affect on you making other friends... only you can control that.  

  8. That's awful. You should be nice to everyone! You don't even know him, and you don't want to be his friend because no one else wants to be his friend.

  9. Ooh, that's a tough one! Why don't you just try befriending him? Maybe he's really not so bad at all... and if he really annoys you, just back a way a bit and maybe he'll understand that you don't want to be friends. Good luck!!! ♥♥♥
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