
High school: go, or continue homeschooling?

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I have the option of going to public high school for my junior, senior, and possibly sophmore year. I have never been to public school in my life and I freeze, or get a panick attack whenever I am around people I don't know, or even people I am not very close with. (basicaly everyone outside of my family). (I like talking to people, I just never know what to say to strangers)I wont know any one, but I realize that it would be a good idea for the classes, and I'd like to go. Should I continue homeschooling, or go to public school for 3 years before college. If I do go, what are some tips for socializing? Thank you very much.




  1. I think you should do what my brother and I did:  Try it and see if you like it.  I didn't like it, and went back to homeschooling.  My brother did like it and stayed there for all of high school (well, he's a junior now, but I don't think he's going to drop out or anything).

    If you decide that you DON'T like it because you get panic attacks or freeze up, then make sure you get involved in something else.  Going to high school is a big transition and kids there are still waaayy more judgmental than people in the "real world" after high school are.  So if you go to high school and you like it, great!  But if not, get involved in some smaller-scale things that make you slightly uncomfortable so you can get over your anxieties.  I used to be really shy too... it just takes a little time to overcome.

    I just read the end of your question again: tips for socializing.  Well, I didn't believe it when I went to public school, but the best thing you can really do is to stop worrying about what people think of you, and just be yourself.  Also, everyone will ask where you went to school before, and homeschooling is a great conversation topic.  A lot of kids are curious about it.  So just tell them all about it!  AANndd another thing is, be sure to ask them question after you answer their questions, to keep the conversation going.  If they say "where did you go to school before" and you say "i was homeschooled" and they just say "Oh," then don't just sit there.  Say something like "Have you lived here all your life, or did you go to school somewhere else before?"  etc.  Hope I helped!

  2. Well, if I were you, I'd go to public school for the last three years of high school. You might feel strange at first, but it will help you develop your social skills. A few of my friends who have been home schooled seem to act much more shy around people and to be honest, it's hard to have a conversation with them. It might be stepping outside your comfort zone, but I think it's in your best interest. If you want to meet new friends quickly, try joining a club or a sport.

  3. I would say go 2 a public school if u need 2 socialize. but I will tell u somethin. I've been homeschooled  4 the past 4 yrs. & I'm social :) I have a BUNCH of friends, love makin new friends so I'm not scared 2 talk 2 strangers. I'll go up 2 any1 & start talkin. but then again that's jst me. people R different :D

  4. That is what is wrong with homeschooling. The socialization aspect of education is denied. Go to the public school. You won't freak out when you get into real life situations after graduation.

  5. personally, i think it'd be good to go to a public school for a couple years of high school.  you've been prepared and taught well in homeschooling, but there are so many other things involved in high school that are vital to your life.  it's be a great way to be more comfortable around people you dont know and learn more about relationships.  it also might be better for your education since you arent really able to have things like full out science labs at school.  it'll help you gain some independence too.  and i mean, it's an experience!  if it turns out completely horrible you can always go back to homeschooling.

  6. Go only if you have some activity to be involved in that will allow you to have a group to identify with rather than just being by yourself. My son was homeschooled until he went as a freshman, but he had lots of friends from sports and did really well. He had an activity that he could associate with, so if you could do music, drama or a sport it would be easier. If you live in a good area and the school is good, then give it a try, you can always go back home or to the CC.

  7. U go girl! With public school's it's a lot of different people with different personalities. You'll probably be shy at first but after a while you'll meet people just like you and u'll have a click so you won't have to stuck at your house. Oh, and as far as socializing, just be yourself, shoulders back, back straight, and smile. People are attracted to other people with confidence.

  8. definitely go - if not for the classes then for the social experience. social skills are important to have, even if theyre a pain to attain. socializing tips - try to look and sound confident (even if youre not) and basically just be yourself. good luck!!!

  9. Get out!  If you don't go to public school now you might develop agoraphobia (fear of the outside world).  You need to learn to meet, get to know, and work with people outside your family.

  10. There are other options to going to the public school. Check out your community college. Most will let homeschoolers take classes as long as they pass the placement tests. Two of my sons started there while in high school (when at age 14 and the other at 15). Take a class or two each semester and then homeschool the rest of your classes. It will ease you into a more public and adult world. If you go the community college route, take a class in a subject that interests you and then check out any related clubs. If you like to write or do photography, the college newspaper is a good group to join and is not usually too crowded.

  11. I'd study my *** off for two years make sure you have the degree in hand. Then go the last year to public school with out the worry of actual schooling, just electives. One less stressful thing to worry about and if you still don't like it, graduate early and head to University, with no loss for trying.

  12. personally If you are thinking about a high school go to a prep school before going into collage you will learn a lot more  then a public high school. the homework might be tougher but ones you get into college the college work will be a breeze.

  13. First, although your parents may say you can go, make sure that the school will recognize the work you will have done. Some don't and will force you to start your high school years all over again.

    Panic attacks are not good. You should do something about them: self-help through books and/or see a counsellor. Whether you decide to go to high school or not, you need to work on managing your fear of being with others. It's a shame that all this time you've been homeschooling you haven't been doing things with other people--the homeschoolers I know are very socially active.

    Whether you should continue homeschooling or go to school depends on you and what benefits and disadvantages you see in each situation. What will benefit you most in the long run? Whatever you do, you MUST learn about how to get over your social anxiety. This isn't just about where you're schooling: this is the rest of your life we're talking about. Simply going to school won't fix the problem. You have to actively seek out ways to deal with your fears.

    Btw, you don't necessarily have to lead a conversation with strangers. I was only able to start doing that in my late 20's and I went through public school for all of my k-12 education.  :) You just listen and ask questions about what they're talking about and share similar stories. It'll all fall together with practice. Oh, and try to find some homeschooling activities in your area and purposefully do something at least once a week!

  14. If you have a panic attack when around people then that's never good. Get some help with that then consider going to school. Panic attacks can get serious (I went to the emergency room with one) so yeah THEN go to school. When you're around people you need to get out there and show you're willing to talk to people and make friends, if you're sitting in a corner and observing your surroundings then people will assume that you don't want to be bothered. I was also home schooled and it was a scary experience going back to school but then I adjusted my attitude and I have a BUNCH of friends! Best of luck :D


  15. I say go to public school. U might hate at it first but will help u out later in life for social situations.Make everything a learning experience.

  16. Well, I cannot answer that question for you. I'm very fond of homeschool myself, but if it is not meeting you needs then you should try something else. I can tell you that regardless of you decision on how you educate yourself, you need to address your social fears right away. While your family may be lovely, there are other people out there who would love to meet you. Don't deny them. Start small and build you confidence bit by bit.

        Always remember that you own whatever spot of ground you stand on and no one, anywhere is exactly like you. That means you have something unique to offer. Take pride in that. Not everyone will like you and some people will be rude to you. But try as they might, they cannot make you any less grand by their disapproval. The best thing about this being a big world full of different people is that you are not required to enjoy the company of everyone you meet. You always have the option of walking away and finding someone or something more suitable to your preference. Remember also that being you can include being a quiet person. You don't have to be loud to have charisma. As a matter of fact, it can help. Nothing beats an air of mystery for making a person intriguing!

    The best first step you can make is to go out and try. Keep trying. When you need to come home and cry or shake in you boots, do it. Don't judge yourself for it. Accept yourself as you are and try again. You may never be perfectly at home on a stage or in a crowd, but you can be better at it than you are today and probably better at it than you can even imagine. There is really only one way to find out and that is to go and ut yourself out there. Enjoy and don't stress too much. You have a great family and a comfortable home. All anyone needs to risk learning to fly is the knowledge that they have a soft place to land. Your family is that place.

    Good luck!

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