Hello. For my high school graduation, my mother and I are going to take some time out of my summer and go traveling around Europe. I need some help. We are in the midst of planning and we have picked out some places we want to go to within the time we spend.
London, England
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Paris, France
Marseille, France
Madrid, Spain
Barcelona, Spain
Venice, Italy
Rome, Italy
Pisa, Italy
Vienna, Austria
Prague, Czech Republic
Santorini, Greece
Athens, Greece
Are we leaving anything out? That is the order in which we are going in so far. Starting in England and ending in Greece, than coming back to America to start college. Now, another thing we are trying to figure out is the travel time in between. So if we start in London, how long will it take to get to Paris and Paris to Marseille and so on and so forth. If you can help me I'd really appreciate it.