
High school help!!! PLEASE?

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ok so i am in 10th grade and i started school yesterday(today we have a huricane day) i am new so i didnt really know anyone i met a few people but 2 girls on my bus were really nice and we exchanged numbers and screen names i want to be friends with them but i dont want to over do it

please help




  1.    just be yourself(trust me it works,)don't worry wat they think

  2. just talk to them and hang out with them and they'll probably be your friends

  3. do you live in florida? because my friend got a huricane day too :)

    ok so you don't want to seem super clingy what i would do is if you have a facebook/myspace friend request them and then see if that sparks a brief conversation. if not i would text something really casual to them that doesnt need to inspire a really long talk but enough that they'll remember you and you guys can talk at school when you get back, maybe a question about your new schoool, etc. etc.

    good luck!!!!

  4. When you get on the bus, sit in the seat beside or ahead of them. Make small talk, ask them what they did last night, what classes they're taking, etc. It'll pick up from there!

    Good luck!

  5. just be yourself and  if they truly want to be your friend thenthings will work out ha ha ur in FL  

  6. Just dont start stalking them down on facebook, just go up to them on the buss, and ask if you can sit, then ask what have they been up to lately, ask them how they do their hair (if you like it!) and stuff. Just dont badger them or go up to them all the time at first, it will seem natural so go with the flow!

  7. You can call them at the moment and say like "Nice meeting you...Where did you buy that dress they're cute.." something like that. But don't be so feeling close to them. And everything will turn out GREAT!

  8. just hang out with them at lunch ur w/e

    call them and make plans to see a movie ur somethin

    u cant over do bein friends with someone it eaither happens or it dont so just talk to them and hang out with them and ull make friends in know time

    good luck :) <3

  9. i think you should call them...they will think you are very nice

  10. Just talk to them, find out more about their interests. If you guys start talking about a movie you all want to watch, then just suggest you should go see it sometime together. Then later on, after a bit more talking, ask them what they are doing that weekend. As long as you are friendly and not pushy about anything, I think you will be fine.  

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