
High school. help (freshman year)?

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i need advice about high school freshman year. is it fun?is it scary? how was your freshamn year?were you nervous? how do you avoid the drama. the more advice the better .

thanks in advance :)




  1. im actually in 8th grade.. but my bruther is a sophmore.. and we go to the same escuela.. he LOVED freshman yearr!! he sayd it was like starting his WHOLE popularity status over!! but then there's "newby bullies".. those are the bullies who look to pick on freshmans .. in order to avoid them you ABSOLUTLEY have to keep a LOW PROFILE! i kno it dusn't seem funn, but DO NOT try to  become popular during freshman year. just look at it like a year to take in all that highschool has to offer.  drama:: i've delt with drama on the HIGHEST level....i think that the only way to stop that is NOT to respond all the ugLY comments about people even if you do find the urge to do so.. trust me. it helps a LOT.  

  2. just dont sweat it. just be yourself, cuz if youre not, u wont be happy and your true colors will shine eventually. its ok if ur dorky or w/e, im nerdy too and make good grades but ill socialize and i dont care wat ppl think so i have plenty of friends, there is no popularity formula (make ur move at a certain time blabla) there is no move, there is just u makin da most out of life.

    can ya digg it????

    jelps if ur funny. SOMEBODY willl think ur funny. just find them lol

  3. well last year i tried to be popular etc, just go to school you don't want to be known as a wanna be, just let the drama clam down about every one than make your move in 10th grade it will work trust me.

    try to get into something (sports a club)

    any thing that will help with friends and look good for collage.

  4. Make friends with everyone,even the  seemingly shy dorky people.Don't act shy, do your homework and take advantage of school opportunities. Freshman year was the best for me because of all the different people coming in from the middle schools. But I had to change schools after that and I hate it.  For drama, just dont talk c**p about other people,even your best friend will blab

  5. Im in my junior year now, and as far as i remember, freshman year was pretty good.

    you will meet SO many new people and learn stuff you never knew before.

    Socializing is key.

    smile at people you dont know when walking down the halls!

    talk to people who dont usually get attention.

    think positive throughout your day

    make yourself noticed by having your "trademark" style.

    these are the best days of your life.

    trust me.

    it's going to fly right by.

    i cant even believe im a junior now.

  6. boring

    I have 1.4 year left until I finish but I'm doing first year subjects.

    All these first years are show offs, all they do is party,

    they're rude, imature, loud and constantly bothering me with their loud voices.

    Other than that, its good.

  7. I was reallllly nervous.

    But I stayed near my friends and it was fine. It was probably the best year I had at school, all the teachers are REALLY nice, and the subjects are good, I used to look forward to going to school.

    To avoid dramaaa... dont think you can.

    But babe its really ******* fun seriously...

  8. my freshman year was pretty great. the whole fresh-meat thing is more of just a hype then a thing put into play. if anything the worst of it will only last a week. after that the school stops feeling foreign to you, you know your way around and you get accustomed to the schedule. of course everyone is nervous but just remind yourself that EVERYONE is nervous, not just you

    as far as drama goes just watch what comes out of your mouth. don't get involved in questionable things and become known as trustworthy. trustworthy pious people are never involved in drama, period. people don't talk about them they dont talk about people

  9. It's pretty all right. Nothing too snazzy.

    you avoid drama by choosing your friends wisely. I've never had much drama surrounding me, because my friends are pretty chill and WONDERFUL. haha.

    I was definitely nervous... but it turned out to be no big. The purpose of middle school is just to scare you into highschool. and then you're like, oh... this is IT? lol.

    So relax... and have fun. MAKE fun. it's not about the big stuff, it's about the little stuff... inside jokes and living day-to-day, surrounding yourself with people you don't have to be fake around.

    Best of Luck,



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