
High school homeschooling in Tennessee?

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I would like to homeschool my child she's in the 9th grade but she's far behind because of recent family issues. I don't want to homeschool her forever, nor does she want to be, only for the rest of this school year. I live in Tennessee and I'm aware of the laws and whatnot, but I'd rather not deal with a religious homeschool. What I need to know is are there any nonreligious homeschooling programs available?




  1. yes it is

  2. i dont live in tennesse but i might be able to give some advice.

    try independent study. some continuation schools offer it. i currently do it and like it. i go to school and get work for the week. i go in the following week, turn in the work, take a few test and get new work. i like it because you still have a teacher to help.

    you could also try cyber school. i dont know too much about it but you could look into it.

    hope i helped(:

  3. Calvert is nonreligious -

    So are some of the computer based programs:

  4. The biggest problem you will run into is when you go to re-enroll your daughter in the public school.  Unless the coursework is from an accredited source, the school likely will not accept the credits and she'll be no better off than she would be to just complete this year in the same school.

    A better option is to look into what independent study options the school might offer.  If you truly want to homeschool, several of the on-line schools are accredited.  You might also check to see if there is a virtual public school in Tennessee.

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