
High school jitters!?

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i just came back from my high school orientation, and my classes are crazy. in my first class a few of the people i know ,but then in my other classes i dont know anybody. i want to switch out of my gym class so that i can be with some of my friends, also in my lunch i dont know people, and i want to switch. i think i will test out the first few weeks to see if i can make some friends, but im really shy when i dont know someone but when i get to know that person, i talk alot, but i dont call them and they dont call me.

I appreciate your advice!




  1. Not to worry, I switched schools a lot when I was starting out.  There was a time when I wanted to switch out of my classes into some of my friends classes, but in reality, it's really hard to get the same classes (even if you switch out you may be put in a different class anyways, and that sucks.)  I think you were right in trying to test it out for a couple weeks, to try and make some friends, its pretty easy (easier said then done though).  I was pretty shy in school and I didn't want to talk to anyone because I was afraid that they wouldn't like me.  But after a couple years, I kinda got the hang of it, here are some tips:

    -**Smile, it makes you seem friendly, (just make sure you aren't smiling in a really creepy way, haha)  people are usually attracted to smiling people.  ;)

    -**When your talking to someone, don't be too boring, like I was.  Just come up with random topics to keep the convo going on (but not too long)

    Well there aren't any special rules to make friends, and who knows, maybe someone will come up to you (yes, this will happen).  Yeah, don't underestimate yourself, you can do more than you think you can, and plus, if you look at the big picture, all you have to do is say "Hi" (easy huh?).  Good job with joining clubs and stuff (I never did that in school, and I regret it).

    Hope I helped, and have fun in high school. =D

  2. ehyeah... i'm going into high school too, so i think i know how you feel. it's kind of overwhelming, to be honest. i don't even know what i'm nervous about. the whole experience just seems stressful. but, we'll get used to it... hopefully.

    My advice, is not to switch out of your classes just because you don't know people in them. i don't know anyone in my classes either, but you'll make new friends. just smile and be friendly... don't go overboard and don't act cocky and confident. i'm not saying that you do, but upperclassmen don't like that, so i'm planning on staying kind of quiet. that works for me. but be friendly, and everything should work out fine.

    good luck, hunn! (:

  3. Just think that all the other freshmen are in the same position as you. Everyone is scared when they start high school, and everyone wants to meet new friends. I started at a high school with over 3,000 kids coming from a school with a graduating class of only 21 kids. It was scary. But I just started talking to people in all my classes. (And trust me, I'm usually pretty quiet, too) I was glad to have people to talk to and they were too. A lot of the people I met those first couple weeks of high school were friends I kept all 4 years there. Don't switch out your classes just yet, because you never know- your new best friend could be in one. And one last piece of advice- get involved. I know you've probably heard it a million times but it's so important. It makes you feel like you belong and are a part of something and you can meet a lot of really great friends, too. Good luck in high school!

    It's true people can come up to you, too. On the first day of freshman year when I went to lunch it was so overwhelming so I just found an empty seat and sat down. Soon after, another freshman girl came and asked if she could sit with me. A couple minutes later, another one did. We became really good friends and stayed friends all through high school.
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