
High school kid thinkin bout carrer in law enforcement i want to know the different branches in the police ?

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high school kid thinkin bout carrer in law enforcement i want to know the different branches in the police and what each is responsible for if you have the time please help thank you oh and no wise *** **** im trying to ask a serious question?thank you in advance




  1. Law Enforcement is divided up into the following categories:

    Federal   FBI

    State       HI WAY PATROL

    County     SHERIFF

    City          POLICE


    Each category has a jurisdiction to patrol.

    Federal is all 50 states plus.

    States deal with state and inner state (between states / also a federal matter of inter state transporting of goods)

    County-By size of county is the jurisdiction here.

    Also have a multi county 3-4 adjoining counties as a task forcing.

    City--the limits of the city and also a task force with other cities and the county of jurisdiction.

    towns--jurisdiction of said town and limits. Also may be a liaison with cities and counties

  2. Hey man! Way to have aspirations. A career in Law Enforcement as a police officer can open so many doors to other amazing and exciting jobs.

    All the info you could ever want you can find here:

    There is TONS & TONS there, so enjoy and GOOD LUCK!!!

  3. Cities and some larger towns have their own police departments.  Most Counties in the US also have a sheriff's department for the rural areas, and the the state has State Troopers.  Of course there are also Federal branches of LE including the FBI, the Secret Service and others.  You will need to get in at the bottom and gain some experience before you can move up in the ranks or even to a different agency.  You will almost certainly need a 2 year degree in law enforcement from a local community collage!  Good luck, and stay out of trouble, a background check is always done prior to being selected as well!

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