
High school love in military training. how did it happen to me?????

by  |  earlier

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my boyfriend just got into the air force and we just graduated high school. it's sooo much more than a little acolecent crush now. so hes gone and i was just wondering if any other girls are going through this or have gone through this before.





  1. i went through this.

    i meet my husband (then boyfriend) in hs, i was a junior he was a freshman in college. we dated for a week and then he told me he had enlisted in the USMC and was leaving for boot a month later. then he told me he would marry me one day. i thought he was crazy.

    then the came and took him a month early. we were only dating for a week, only knew each other for a week. he asked to promise him to write him. he knew the mental stresses they would put him through would be tough. he said he didnt care if we didnt date anymore, but he wanted a constant in his life.

    so i wrote him. we dated through letters. we poured our hearts out to each other through them. more than we would have said in person.

    when he came home from boot on his 10 day leave. he gave me a promise ring. three years later we were married. and three years after that we have our first son.

    it was hard, so hard. i have been through everything with him. experienced harsh raw emotions with him through boot, training and deployments.

    so you are not the only one going through this. it might seem like it because there are a lot of people who go from one given area at a time.

    at the time i was the only one i knew going through it.

    there are a lot of support groups online you can join.

    dont let the name fool you. they accept everyone. i belong to army wives and before that the marine corps wives site. if you go to it is the main site. they give a lot of support and advice when you feel alone.

  2. If you really care for him then you now have to realize that he is going to be gone for periods of time.

    His job working for the government comes 1st, before you , before his family, anybody.

    You are going to have to learn to keep yourself busy. Get a job, volunteer , etc.

    I personally believe you have no business being with somebody in the military at this age. Your maturity shows and you need more than just " love" to make a relationship work when your with somebody in the military.At 17 or 18 you don't have that concept yet.

    You need to find yourself prior to getting married. I have seen many many MANY marriages fail because the military member married his 18 year old high school sweetheart who couldn't handle him being gone all the time.

    Sorry to sound harsh but that is the reality of being with somebody in the military.

  3. You are one of a million girls that goes through this every year. It's no big deal. Just support him and get your life and schooling set up for yourself.  

  4. Oh, nooooo, nobody has ever gone through that before. (roles eyes)

    At least he wasn't drafted to Vietnam and blown to bits.  Try to think positive.

  5. absence makes the heart grow fonder. Its true. :) Good Luck and I will pray that you guys make it. The world needs more love

    p.s. ignore the haters. some people get off on "trying" to bring others down. Once you learn that youll be better off in life

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