
High school lunch schedule? I'm a freshman this year but the one thing i don't understand is the lunch times?

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I'm a freshman this year but the one thing i don't understand is the lunch times. All I understand is that at your 4 period class, you either get 4A or 4B and even then I'm still a little foggy...Any help for a freshman going to a new school?




  1. my school is different. i was thinking what greengasp was saying.

    in my high school there are odd and even days. and on odd days youll go to lunch from youre 5th period class and on even from your 6th period class. my school has 4 lunches. i had 1st and 4th last year.

    1st was where id go directly to lunch then go to class and 4th was where id sit through the whole class then go to lunch (we had a big period to fit all of these lunches in)

    so yours might be doing something similar to that.?

    dont be worried though. i freaked out but had nothing to worry about. (:

  2. well if you are 4A then you'll go to lunch on your 4 period and go back to 4 period when the bell ring

    when your 4B go to your 4th period class and they will have a bell to tell you when to go to lunch.  

  3. i dont get it eather why cant the same grade have the same lunch time thats what they did in middle school

  4. I don't start my freshman year until next year. I'm going to a public school. It's gonna be weird. I haven't been in public school since 4th grade.

  5. Don't worry about it. everyones always nervous about their first day of high school. It's not as bad as you think becasue everyone in your grade is going to be in the same boat as you. ANd everyone goes through it being confused. You catch onto your sceduele really fast. Don't worry about it and good luck.

  6. This is how my school works:

    You either have lunch A, B, C, or D (we have about 2,700 kids and not a lot of cafeteria space). If you have A, you go straight to the cafeteria from 3rd period. If you have B, C, or D, you go to your classroom. Usually, if you have B for instance, you'll have study hall for A, lunch for B, and then class for C and D. Likewise for C and D.

    What it sounds like to me is this: You have an hour long class and an hour long lunch. (I might be wrong on the times, but the concept is still the same, I'm pretty sure.) If you have A lunch, you'll probably go straight to the cafeteria and once the bell for B rings, B will come in and you'll go to your classroom. If you've got B lunch, you'll go straight to your classroom for A, and then once the bell rings, you'll all leave for the cafeteria.

    I hope that I have helped at least a little bit!!

    Hayley.  : )

  7. that sounds like mine a little.

    we have a pretty big school with several buildings

    we have seven classes

    on Mondays we have classes 2,4,6

    on Tuesdays we classes 1,3,5,7

    and so fourth

    on days when we have our fourth period class (monday, wednesday, friday) our lunch is based off what building we are in when we're in fourth period. (if where in the tech or the main we go to second lunch, voc and theater and e building are first lunch)

    then on the days when we don't have fourth period (tuesday, thursday) we base out lunch on where we have our fifth period.

    the reason we have different lunches is because our school it so big, we need to go in rotations or there wouldn't be enough space)

    hope that helped! (i hope that even made sense!)

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