
High school math, should I drop out?

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So I've always been alright at math, but theres a problem, it's that I always have hated it. I'm not going to go into a mathematical profession, and I have just completed Algebra 2. I think this is the required math level to get into college. Should I continue with pre-calc/trig or just drop out because I fear I'm not going to do well because I will not do well do to lack of interest. P.S. I've always been in advanced math so I'm a year ahead. I'm going to be a junior this year.




  1. I graduated with Algebra in high school. I always stuggled in math.  I am not very great at it. I'm going into college and I know its gonna suck but that's the only way to get an education. No matthew how much it sucks don't give up. Always go to high math levels it will allow you to skip it in college. Just have fun man.  

  2. im in exact position ur in

    im continuing my math into precalc and calc. since alot of colleges do 1. like to see that u did take calculus or 2. make u take it.

    It'l make life easier in the future and since ur good at it, it shoulndt be too much of a problem. Don't fear that you won't do well cuz of interest. I've never liked math and im doing fine. Just suck it in and go for it. Or you might regret it later. Think of it this way, if you take it and try..then u wont regret it later.  


  4. Keep going, it's going to help you, not hurt you.

  5. I'm not at ALL interested in math and I'm going into Algebra 1 Honors next year while I'm in 8th Grade. But in High School I'm going to continue my math schooling, even if I don't need it or I lack interest. It's always good to know math. Plus completing it might look good on your resume to apply for a job or scholarship. And it will definitely look good on your college application.

  6. no don't drop out its horrible for your future and if your having trouble  with math practice with a friend or ask for help from the teacher after school  

  7. i know high school is really boring at times! but the thing is high school is a key to your future ! your half way there and went you finish high school you can choose a college,  when i completed high school ,i noticed about  one out of four became grads. understand what is easy and what is hard ? being told or telling , working your butt off for little or working 9 to 5 on a salary with paid vacation! so went you decide remember is 2 yrs more so bad went its my life!    

  8. Yes, drop out.  If you've already met the requirements to graduate high school, no need to continue this.  If you need another year of math to graduate high school, I would probably stick with it and get the credit.

  9. Keep in mind that when universities require three years of math, they mean three years of math in high school - not two years and being advanced a year.  Three whole years.  And trig will come in useful for any math and science course you need in college - and most of them do require you take at least one of each.  I'd say go for it.

  10. Yes...continue if you dont then when and if you go to college for whatever profession you will have some required math courses and leaving math for 2 years is not a good thing .

  11. You should definitely continue on to pre-calculus.

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