
High school!!!!?????????

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ok, so i've like school all my life, but when i got in high school everything went downhill. My frshman year i went to a public school, and didn't like it very much, now im in 10th grade and i go to a private school and it completely SUCKS. They are so strict and i feel like im in elementary not high school. They don't have dances, and they barely have an extracurricular activities. So far i hate high school, and everybody talks about how u shouldn't miss out on it and i really don't care at this point. I wanna be homeschooled for the rest of tenth grade, and maybe 11th, idk yet, but im going back to a normal high school when im senior, since it will be my last year. Should i do homeschooling or not? Don't give me all this bullshit about how u should make the most of high school and enjoy it, don't even waste ur finger strength on typing that c**p! And if so how do i explain that to my parents and grandparents, they control my life so much, they just don't understand its MY LIFE, NOT THEIRS. I know they do it because they care, but i want to live my life, my own way, without any interferance, or people telling me how to live my life, which i have been getting from everybody around me my whole life! uggghhh!!!




  1. Yeah high school isn't glamorous like in the movies. But if you care about getting into a good college then you need to stick with high school. If not, do home schooling. I know I was home schooled.  

  2. First of all you can only be home schooled if your parents want to home school you.  As far as "everybody" telling you how to live your life, that will continue, in one form or another until you die.  There will always be rules to follow, from societies to employers.  One of the main reasons they are trying to "guide" you is so you don't have to make all the same mistakes they made growing up.  High school was not one of the high points of my life either, but I used it for its intended purpose; to get an education.  That has stood me in good stead, the social c**p and the "extracurricular" garbage had no meaning on "real life".  High school is such a short period of time from your life, it may be annoying, but in the long run you won't even remember most of it.  Just concentrate on grades so you will have a foundation to use to be able "to live your life as you please".   Everything in high school except for English, Math, Science and History is worthless in real life.

  3. i guess get home schooled until you reach the 12th.

  4. If you homeschool at this point, you face a problem in terms of getting back into high school: the school doesn't have to recognize any of the work you do at home unless it's all done through an online public or charter school. Actually, just the fact that you are in a private school can mean getting into a public school could be difficult--they may not recognize any of the work you've done so far this year. Either way, you could end up going back for your gr. 12 year and find that they're putting you into grade 10. Talk to somebody at the high school about how it would work--and get it in writing if they say that they'll accept your work or just require you to do testing or something instead of having to do it all over again.

    Are your parents even willing to have you homeschool? It doesn't matter if it's your life or not; you are, what, 15 or 16? That's not old in most cases in our modern society to be making all the decisions about our lives. That's why you are still considered a minor, why your parents have final say on matters. You don't even actually own anything according to the law. Yes, your family might try to direct your life more than you'd like and that can be very frustrating. You just can't think that because it's your life you can make the decision to homeschool without their approval.

  5. Do you think you will have dances and extracurricular activities while doing your schooling at home?  If I were you I would give the public school another shot. Freshman year is always hard, and if you give up and stay home, you might miss out on some real fun as well as developing social skills and patience for other people and their feelings.  But like you say ... " I want to live my life, my own way, without any interferance, or people telling me how to live my life" So I would say it's your call. Figure out what YOU want to do and tell your parents and Grandparents that YOU WANT TO LIVE YOUR LIFE YOUR WAY WITHOUT ANY INTERFERANCE.   Good luck and I really think all of this will work out. Just relax....

  6. You SHOULD do home school. It's pretty easy and not for that long. And everyone here at Yahoo! Answer's will be here with you every step of the way. This is your life, you need to make the final decision, but I really think you might enjoy home schooling. You can do online home schooling too! It's pretty easy. Different but easy and excited also. You need to get out of that school. My daughter went to school and she couldn't stand it. It was sooooo different compared to what she has lived with, I didn't put her through another second. It's my decision but I really wanted her to be happy while learning. She was very happy about that, and I am happy about how she is happy.

    If you have never been home schooled before then has information about that. Plus getting started kits, books, and has contests, scholarships, classes to look at, and everything you need.

    Don't worry.

    You will love homeschooling.

    I did, and my children do too.

    People say it's kind of boring and stupid, and torcher for their children, I don't believe that. It's great in my view.

    Your decision, follow what you want to do.

    Good luck,

    Esther Manuoles---


    If you do homeschool classes you CAN do the dances, and basically do school stuff. You can do town sports too. You basically do not miss out on anything. :)

  7. dont be homeschooled, any social life that you use to have would go down the drain. maybe try boarding school? my cousin goes and she loves it! and you said that you want to live you own life so do what you want to do!

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