
High school???????????????????

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I am freaking out about high school i am goin into 9th grade and i am freaking out about haveing 12th graders walking next to me and stuff like that. help




  1. Don't freak out, man. In middle school they make up all these rumors about high schoolers (that they're mean, that they attack freshmen, etc.), but that's all they are, rumors. Don't liten to them; if you don't pick on anyone and leave the 12th graders alone, they will in turn leave you alone. Who knows, chances are  you'll have senior friends before you yourself are a senior. Relax, you have nothing to worry about; I do hope this helps :)

  2. While it is true that some of the juniors and seniors crab on the freshmen, it's rarely personal. They just like picking on fresh meat just like prisons and the military etc. Although the stuff you heard about them dunking your head in toilets... that's totally true.

  3. don't worry..if you are outgoing and participate in school activitiesyou will be probably start to soon associate and make friends with some of the juniors and seniors!

    u will be fine..there are a bunch of u freshmen all of yall are in this together

  4. In four years you'll be freaking out about college.  Sorry kid, the cycle never ends.

    You'll love high school after the first month or two, don't worry.

  5. Hi,

    It's understandable that you are freaking a little bit, but the reality is that there isn't really much to worry about.  The first day will be a little nerve wracking only because it is a brand new experience.  Trust me, though, that by the end of the first week you will be fine with it.  12th graders were once 9th graders, remember.  You will be fine.  Good luck.

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