
High school question? Please help me!?

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What is preferred first name?

Should I use preferred first name?

Is class rank 24/298 good?

Should I volunteer in high school?

Do u know what it's called (something that is used to cover your textbook)?




  1. What is preferred first name?   I give up what is it?

    Should I use preferred first name?    maybe

    Is class rank 24/298 good?   h**l no

    Should I volunteer in high school? no, just go home and smoke the reefer

    Do u know what it's called (something that is used to cover your textbook)? a book coveR? idiot

  2. Yeah...use a name you're comfortable with

    Yeah that rank is pretty good

    If you should...if you don't have a lot of extracurricular activities

    A book cover

  3. 1) the name you prefer to be called. like if your name is Elizabeth but you prefer to be called Beth then Beth is your preferred first name. some ppl don't have one.

    2) it doesn't really matter. usually most ppl just use the name that their friends or parents call them.

    3) its pretty good. you're in the top 9%.

    4) definitely. colleges look for volunteer work when you apply. it can counter an ok class rank/SAT score. if you don't know how to get involved, just start out small like at a library or hospital. usually clubs have a lot of volunteer opportunities for their members to participate in.

    5) bookcover, book sox

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