
High school really sucks for me right now, how to get over it??

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I'm a junior this year, so i know it should be getting better but it really isn't. I go to a big school, (a little over 3,000 students) my schedule a bit messed up, don't know if i can fix it, barely any of my friends are in my classes, none of the guys that I like, and I really don't like one of my teachers, who basically told us that she couldn't careless if we failed and got mad at me because I was accidently in the wrong seat. This is NOT a good year, and I get depressed and feel extra quiet and anti-social. Any advice? Anyway I could somehow make the best out of this or feel happier??




  1. hey its just high school.

    its toughnot having any "good" classes or to be with your friends. trust me i know. but really you just have to take a step back and see whats really going. so what if the teacher ddoesn'tcare if you fail, maybe she will care if you ace the class? prove her wrong. and just hang out with your friends more after school. join some clubs or sports teams if you like them, or try something new.

    good luck!

    and remember once you finish high school you actually will have to deal with the real world, so enjoy it while you can.

  2. i know how you feel lol... well if you can't fix your schedule your screwed on that end but it doesn't have to be h**l. that teacher on the other hand just keep up with your work and don't let that ****** bring you down. there are always gonna be teachers that yell at you for dumb things so relax and the whole speech of that she couldn't care less well that's true but your going to school for you not for her just worry about yourself and not what she thinks. don't turn anti-social or that's gonna make things worse. talk to new people get to know them.since its the beginning of the year its crazy but it will mellow down. the biggest things you should do is just relax, talk to new people and eventually things will chill out. if its not a good year make it one

  3. try to socialize with different people and see what happens, im sure you would be happier if you talked with some of your classmates.

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