
High school? scary??

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basically im scared out of my mind.

no lie.

my town is a goody goody town and theres really nothing that happens there except the small town drama.

but is it such a big deal as people make it?

and i have two of my friends from my grade going to my high school.

is that bad?

should i make more friends?




  1. you will make friends in high school, avtually i went to highschool with EVERYONE that went to my elementry school and i am only really friends with one of meet more people there and no its nothing liek tehy make it out to be, its alot more layed back then middle school and in my opinion alot more fun

  2. high school is kind of like middle school but only better. u should make more friends but if you have a problem new freinds will come in your classes

  3. High school is definitely not scary.  Two friends isn't BAD or anything, but it's A LOT better to have more friends, because you might not have the same classes or teachers as your friends.  What if you need help with something, but you can't ask your friends because they don't have the same teacher they can't help you...MUCH.

  4. it is pretty scary.

    especially when you move to a completely different state to start high school not knowing anyone (that's what happened to me)

    but its not all that bad if you have your friends with.

    just act confident and happy, and soon you will be.

    try to be polite and friendly to people you dont know, you dont want to make a bad first impression. as long as you hold you hold your head up high and take it step by step it will be over before you know it.

    and starting out high school with only 2 friends isn't bad, it just means you are goona make a lot of new friends, which is fun.

    but dont strive to be popular or people will think you are weird , just be yourself.and dont try to force yourself to do you things you dont wanna do. you'll do fine :)

  5. no.

  6. Of course you want to make more friends but that does not mean you have to stop hanging out with the old ones.  I am also starting high school this year. Good luck.=]
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