
High school .. should i be scared?

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I live in Ontario and im going into highschool should i be scared and if so wat of ?




  1. You shouldn't be scared!! You should be super excited.  A new chapter in your journey through life!!  Much fun will be had in the next few years! Enjoy them.  

  2. no dont be scared at all..yah theres alot of older people there..but dont be intimidated by them..make friends with them..just be yourself..yeh i was scared my first day of highschool too..but highschools a blast! enjoy it while you can!

  3. Nothing unless your going to some evil high school were kid throw you in trash cans the only thing i would be worried about is the food yuck my school has a "burger king" and its quite disgusting

  4. yes all the upperclass people will beat on you. jk u will be fine it really isnt that bad  

  5. no, no, you shouldnt be scared.

    its actually fun! and more interesting than elemntary and middle school.

    its my first year too. and its funn!!

    hope this helps!

  6. No. It's nerve wrecking for the first day, just like it is any other grade. However you'll soon get adjusted to it and find yourself enjoying high school life. (Trust me enjoy it while you can espeically Freshman year)

  7. h**l no there's nothing to be scared of man

  8. no, if your scared it will make you nervous.

    if you pretty much know where your clasees are,

    and how to open a locker you'll be fine

  9. You shouldn't be scared of high school. The worst transition in to school is from elementary to middle school.

    All you need to worry about his the workload. Be prepared to work harder! Teachers are going to expect you to be more mature and hardworking so you'll be set for life.

    You'll enjoy high school. Everyone does (minus the homework!)

    Best of luck! :)

  10. sweetie, don't be scared! high school is so much fun! i was really nervous my first day and i was like, "there is nothing to be scared of". don't worry, it's really fun!

  11. well, last year when i was a freshman, they were remodeling so ALL freshman were seperate from upperclass, but this year when i started sophomore, i was only scared about finding my way around a large really shouldn't be scared though. you'll feel silly after a few days. :D

  12. Dead scared.


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