
High school tips please ?

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I need some tips. I am a freshman.

Tips please about teachers clubs sports upperclassmen and friends!

but no things like freshman suck beacuse I will give you a thumbs down




  1. what emily said pretty much sums it up, just be yourself (cliche i know but its true). dont completly lose your mind. but dont forget to have fun, its typically one of the best experiences of your life

  2. YAY! Okay.

    If you have close friends now, stick with them. If you don't, the best way to make friends is to just go up to people and introduce yourself. You cannot MAKE friends, friends just happen.

    It's always fun to have one upperclassman that you look up to. Try and get to know her and sooner or later the two of you will start talking and she can be a great mentor type person to you. Otherwise, don't be scared of them. For the most part, we stay away from freshmen, unless we're put together in a club or sport in which case we're friednly and usually helpful.

    The teachers are just like teachers in middle scool but they're tougher! High school IS tough! Be really diligent with your work and really try. I made the mistake of not really caring and that got me nowhere. Try your hardest and work hard.

    Join a club that you think sounds good or try for sports. Make one of your friends do it, too, so you're not alone if you want.

    LIVE IT UP! It reallyyy does fly by : ) GOOD LUCK! Email me if youw ant : )

  3. This may not sound awesome, but it is the best advice: don't care about anything stupid going on around you. People in high school act like the age they are: old enough to make really unfortunate mistakes (car accidents, drinking, s*x, etc.), but still young enough to be stupid enough to WANT to make those unfortunate mistakes. My advice to you is to be completely ignorant to that stuff. Instead, focus on the road ahead. Do well in school, find some friends who have similar interests, and don't get side-tracked by all that junk. Some people will try to tell you that your teenage years are the best years of your life, but that's ridiculous: you can't do anything legally, you have very little money, and no one takes you seriously. Yeah, sounds like some great years. Wait until you're of age to drink with friends, when you can afford your own alcohol and you don't have to pay some 45 year-old bum hanging out in front of the liquor store to get it for you.

    Don't forget extra-curricular activities. It looks good on a resume/application to be able to prove that you actually have an interest in the job you're applying for.

  4. Im a freshman this year and really for me its not much different, the work is a little harder and some of the teachers  are stricter about late work

  5. Haha.

    I'm a freshmen to..

    But I've been in high school for a year already. We start highschool here at 8th grade.

    *Teachers you have to get them a good impression or they will be on you for ever.

    *Clubs join as many as you can. You need to make the friends up.

    *Sports you should play as many as you can and like. Try hard. Sports gets you lots of new friends.

    *Friends, you will now learn who is for real and who is fake. You have to keep your head high.

    *Be yourself no matter what.

  6. ok, so you are going up to high school? don't worry, if you have friends stick with them, if not relax and just speak to people and they will hopefully speak back and you have your friends, if not keep trying... x

  7. Teachers are basically the same, just stricter.

    Sports are more competitive and there will probably be tons of people at your games.

    Upperclassmen, are truly not all that bad...

    Stay close to the friends you had in middle school and try and make some friends of upperclassmen.  

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