
High school tips ??? ?

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im a freshman starting school any tips




  1. -stay organized!!!! keep your binders and locker organized or you will seriously regret it when exams come around

    -if you want to look good: hygiene is key

    -dont try to change yourself to fit into a certain group of people, if your spending your teenage years with people that you dont like you'll be unhappy and get to caught up with your social life. find friends that are real friends that you can lean on when time gets tough

    -sounds cliche but be yourself, or you'll end up with the wrong people

    -get on the good side of your teachers, you dont need to suck  up, but be considerate and polite to them: these are the people that determine your future

    -if you havnt already, scope out the school, see where your classes are,  find the gym and library too. our school has three gyms and i couldnt find it my first day and ended up being late

    -anywaysssss, good luck in highschool! it seems scary now but once you get there and meet friends it'll feel great :)

  2. This is the most important time because these are the grades colleges look at. Do you best to get the best grades possible, and do a couple extracurricular activities! Junior year is the most important. Good luck!

  3. OmG i am a freshmen too. you should join a sport!! i am cheerleading and i already know like all of the football players also i am friends with the upper classmen cheerleaders. They say that if you don't start stuff with people you will be okay.  

  4. defffffinatly join a sport freshman year. thats the biggest thing i regret. when you join freshman year its easy to make the team and then you get all the experience you need for the next year. all the popular kids are involved in sports.

  5. Don't s***w up your grades. If you do, have a talent or excel in something as a backup plan.

  6. its not as bad as you think... and you might get lost, but you have an excuse... you're a freshman!

  7. Well I don't know what a freshman is because I live in Canada.. Even though I have lots of friends in America and they tried to explain I don't remember anyways.. Get good grades, and do your homework it may sound nerdy but you'll be better off as an adult.  You can still party and stuff but on the weekends and make time for homework like I said.  Most important thing adults aren't lying.

  8. mee tooo, i'm starting high school this year. my brother gave me some tips since hes going to be a junior, he said to just not p**s off your teachers because in high school they are very short tempered!

  9. Try not to start problems with anyone if you can help it. People are wayyy too clique-y in high school, and hold onto that stuff for years. Basically, first impressions count, so be nice to everyone!

  10. Be CONFIDENT and most importantly don't be FAKE be YOURSELF trust me!!

    can u do mine pllz

  11. Honestly.

    I would reccomend getting involved with extracurricular activities you're interested in and get to know the people around you.

    The best song that can give you amazing tips to high school or anything in life is "Everybody's Free (to Wear Sunscreen)" by Baz Lurhrman.

    An amazing song.

    I hope this helps!

    And the best of luck. :)


  12. Dont have hair like your avatar.

    Haha :D

    1. Make sure you wash your face, the Neutrogena stuff works mericles!

    2. Go to Khols are Ross, the budget stores often have the best clothes!

    3. Go to Saphora and get your makeup done, and if you like what you see, buy the materials and do it yourself!

    4. Get a messenger bag, or a backpack, and disign it yourself, Sharpies are a girl's best friend!

    5. Have the time of your life!

  13. Do not worry about being popular and "cool." Be friends with the people who you know will be there for you and will be themselves.

    Don't put off your school work, procrastination is deadly in high school.

    Try to get good grades. High school is no joke.  
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