
High school tomorrow any tips??

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High school tomorrow any tips??




  1. Get on your teachers good side. Don't panick.  The first day is always ackward.  SLEEP GOOD TON IGHT.  Make yourself some pancakes or something tonight to eat tomorrow morning.  Have fun

  2. High school can be a great experience, however it can only be as good as you can make it for yourself. First try to meet as many people as possible! If you're attending a local high school then you will have some old friends from your prior school. Becoming involved in different school activities can be a lot fun! As well, its one of the best ways to meet life long friends. Keep in mind that not all people are the nice, however some are just shy (hopefully they will get through that stage). When I was in high school (3 years ago) I met a lot of great people by joining choir, yearbook committee, stage crew, amongst several others. Keep in mind that all of this time that you put into any activities and volunteer work will be paid off (usually this is in the form of awards, recognition, or even scholarships when entering college or university).

    Make these the best years of your life and remember, all the other kids who are entering school for the first time are in the position as yourself.

    Good luck!

  3. Sit near the heater for a few minutes, then say you have a fever and stomach pains.

    Always worked for me.

    Well, once, anyway.

  4. *basically don't get worked up about's not worth it.

    *be positive...if you are negative your day will suck...if you are positive it will be at least ok.

    *don't worry about getting lost....the teachers and upperclassmen will help you...and you're not alone.

    *be to all the new kids... you never know if they might end up being your new bff

    *being in high school rocks!

    good luck!  

  5. Go to bed early. Even if you can't actually fall asleep, it will be better for you to just be able to relax. Listen to some music while relaxing or read a book if you find that relaxing. Going to bed early will help relax you and give you a better night's sleep as well as relieve stress you're probably feeling.

    Get up earlier than you usually do for school. This way you'll have time to eat a good, healthy breakfast. Also you may want to lay out your clothes tonight so that you won't have to worry about it in the morning.

    If you're planning on bringing your lunch tomorrow, make it tonight. It will be a huge time-saver.

    If you know you will have time, take a shower tomorrow morning. Make it the first thing you do tomorrow. If not just take a shower tonight.

    As for actual school tips, just be yourself. If you get lost, ask someone for help. Upper class-men may seem mean but there are more nicer ones than there are mean ones, usually. Make sure you bring a notebook in order to jot down supplies you'll need and write your schedule in it. Make sure you keep the notebook close at hand at all times.

    Again, just be yourself, be friendly and try to make a good impression with all your teachers and fellow classmates. If you have any questions, ASK THEM! Teachers and the other students won't make fun of you, even if the questions are stupid.

    Well, I hope this helps and good luck tomorrow! High school may seem big and scary but once you get used to it, it's a breeze.

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