
High school tomorrow help!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i start high school tomorrow... i am suppose to have gym but i dk if i should bring gym clothes or not? when i started middle school the first day all we did was talk about rules and all that so i didnt need them so should i bring some or no?

and 2...all im gonna bring is a pad of paper and a pensil and pen cuz i have no idea what i need for each class... is that a good idea? or should i bring a few pads and notbooks and stuff??





  1. you will most likely just talk the first day of school and won't need to bring gym clothes... for the first day of school i usually just bring a folder with a few sheets of paper in it and a pen because at my school we get a lot of worksheets the first day

  2. first of all good luck :) btw i mean that in a good way not like psh good luck

    and yea that should be good. first day all teachers normally do is hand out the syllabus and talk about the class. at least for my school we didnt need pe clothes first day...

    hope u do well :)

  3. Nah I didn't need clothes until maybe the 2nd or 3rd day. All you do is talk. And as for your classes, just bring general stuff. The supplies, etc, isn't much different than what they wanted you to have in middle school.  

  4. WOW this is so many years for me but for the first question you should always be prepared so bring your gym stuff with you...

    The second question is that you can never have too much stuff to take information. so bring enough for you to take notes.  I am sure you will also have some students ask you for some paper because they are not thinking ahead as you are...good luck and enjoy school it was great for me.

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