
High school volleyball- help?? (pretty easy question)

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I'm trying out for my high school volleyball team- there are 4 teams. Freshman, sophmore, jv, and varsity.

I've never played volleyball on an actual team before- but I took a week-long camp at the Y and I think I'm okay.

I also know that for tryouts you have to be loud, assertive, and seem like you'll be "teachable"

I'm 5'5" and am not such a good jumper. I'm ok- I'm still practicing.

Also I've got an okay underhand serve but not a very good overhand one. I'm going to practice this week against my garage wall (i'll find out the official measurements and put tape on it or something)

But I don't have any "volleyball shoes" and it says for tryouts you need "court shoes" . I have running shoes, converse shoes, and casual new balance shoes.

For the volleyball camp i used the converse- since they're flat-bottomed and stuff. But I'm not gonna get volleyball shoes unless I make the team. I don't want to have to buy them if I won't use them until next year or whenever.

Any suggestions? are there any drills or things at home i could work on? any tips that i haven't mentioned? Oh, and what could I do about the shoes? should i say anything to the coach?

I only have a week- so no long-term training plans.

thanks! (btw, i do have kneepads)




  1. no offence but unless u are "coachable" and ready to learn new things, u dont stand a chance. but tryout any ways and see what happens and keep working on your skills and next year u will make it for sure!

    how i got good was not fancy camps but just passing setting and serving the ball by myself for hours a day in my backyard.

  2. Practise your bump, set, hit against the wall around 100 times a day

    In high school, they expect you to do overhand serves, but don't be discouraged, just go find a wall and just keep firing balls against it, it really works :D

    It's alright if you don't have volleyball shoes yet @ tryouts, but your shoes are a part of your performance, so try finding the shoes closest to volleyball shoes.

    do push ups, crunches (hold 2 sec)

    GOOD LUCK! ♥♥♥

  3. There are basically 4 Basics you will be tested on:





    To appeal to your coaches, you must show a passion for the sport even if you are not the best player. And always listen closely if they point out any of your weaker spots. Coaches really appreciate good listeners.

    When practicing your overhand serve, make sure that your wrist does not go flimsy like a noodle.

    Practice shuffle passes without swinging your arms. Keep your "platform" - the fore-arm surface you contact the ball with.

    Play the game "Pepper" to improve your skillz. This will require two ppl so it may not be possible for you but here's how it goes (very easy).

    The first person bumps the ball. The second person sets the ball back. And the first person then hits it. The second person must then dig the hit. And repeat: Bump, Set, Spike

    It's fun and can get pretty intense!

    And most importantly, show that you can be aggressive and have a passion for the sport. If you are confident, it will show, and the coaches will pick up on your future potential!

    For shoes, i would use the ones that you are most comfortable in. You don't want to look awkward on the court with shoes that you have never exercised in so you are smart to not buy shoes right before tryouts.

    One more gross but neat trick (don't read if you don't like gross stuff...........

    well now i guess your gunna read it)

    Your gym floors can get pretty slippery while you are practicing and you are going to be sweaty. SO.... run your sweaty hands over the soles of you shoes and

    #1 - you won't have any more sweaty hands

    #2 - you will have better friction on the floor to BUMP SET SPIKE!

  4. I'm not going to try to top the other answer, but i will try to sum this up for you. In high school volleyball you are usually asked to serve overhand, so i would just work on tossing the ball as you would for a serve and having it land in front of you. Also, to help your passing, i would have someone just throw a volleyball about at the level of your knees, so you can work on getting it up in the air. Finally, as far as shoes go, i went through all of last season with basketball shoes, which work well, and help with jumping. Running shoes are also very similar to volleyball shoes. I did order volleyball shoes for this year, so i'm not sure of the difference yet. hope i could help.

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