
High school volleyball just wondering?

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I'm in eighth grade. I'm 5'6". I've played 3 seasons of volleyball at my school and 2 seasons at a club...

What do I need to know to be able to make the JV team in high school next year?

What kinda serves?

Do I need to know defensive positions?

Where will I have to hit from?

Also, can someone help me to understand all of the positions and a 6-2 and 5-1 better?




  1. 6-2 is when your team has two setters on the floor. They will be opposite of each other. The setter in the back row will set til he gets to the front row and thats when the setter that was in the front row in the beginning starts to set.

    The "5-1" is exactly like the 6-2 except you have two many hitters and not enough good setters. Basically, when the setter is in the front row, you play the ball as if you are playing a 4-2. When in the back, play it like a 6-2. The great advantage to the 5-1 is that the hitters become very accustomed to the setting styles of the setter. Disadvantage, the setter is needs to be in great shape and you don't always have three hitters/blockers in the front row.

  2. 6-2 means that ur using 2 setters. that also means that ur using 6 hitters (hence 6-2) so the setter in the back row would be the setter for that rotation so u can utilize 3 hitters in the front. 5-1 means 5 hitters, and the 1 setter plays all the way around. so hopefully that helps. i was so confused by that before someone told me.

    i think the best thing to help u will be practice and dominate during try-outs. also heart and hustle. coaches LOVEEEE that. haha but seriously dont worry about it and communicate w/ ur coach. you'll dominate

  3. HEy, yea i've been playing volleyball for four years and club for two!!!! chances of you making just jv next year is challenging!!! i made both freshman and jv!!!! but it was really hard to play for both teams and keep up with the positions and stuff!!! so onlt if you feel that you are really ready to play jv?, then go for it girl!!!! having a hard over-hand serve helps well it doesnt have to be hard just consistant. yea you will need to know pretty much all of the positions preety well! and depending on what position you play will determine where you will hitt from. Hey give me a buzz and i will fill you in on the positions and the offenses and serve recieves!!!!! feel free to email me GOOD LUCK!!!! :))))

  4. i would do a quikc running jump serve.......

  5. wow your pretty tall, but you definitely want to be able to serve overhand, it just depends on where the defensive positions are so you'll have to wait and ask your coach or he'll show you which ever one comes first, where you hit from depends on if your left or right handed most of the time or you could be better at a different position on  the front row, I'm the same height as you and i'm right-handed and i hit better on the left side

  6. ur high school coach will teach u all u need to know

    all u can do is ur best.. u will put on the team ur coaches feel is best for u.. my coaches wanted me to play JV my freshman year and Varsity my sophomore year and i did for a while but each time they felt that i had alittle more learning to do and they would rather have me start on the level below and get some playing time then sit on the bench... i was alittle upset but i understood and i think it has helped me more than i know

    at try outs make sure u are coachable and to try your hardest and u will most likey make the team

  7. I've been playing for a while now. I played rec for 4 years I played on my Jr High team for a year. Club for 1 season, 2 if you count this year. And this year I played JV my freshman year for a 5A school. I'm only 5'2" and i played DS, Libero, outside hitter and opposite setter. For the serves as long as you can over hand and can control it your good. They also like slide serves and floaters. Jump serves aren't very important until varsity. For defense just have good passes and go for the ball if the coach hits down balls. It's ok to hit the floor, I think its a blast! And for defense at the net, they will love your height! Especially if you can jump. Some girls I know are around that height and they don't jump when they hit and the coaches hate that. If you have any kind of vertical USE IT! You'd be an amazing hitter whether you play middle or outside. You can hit from everywhere on the court. Even back row if the setter can't get a good set. At tryouts they work mostly on basic passing, blocking, setting, and hitting from 5, 2 and C.

    And 6-2

    takes a long time to explain in detail

    so you can go here

    it also has info about the rotations and about 5-1 as well

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