
High schools for pregnant girls in los angeles area?

by  |  earlier

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okay so i need to go back to school because am pregnant and i just have a year left. its just that i want to go to a pregnancy school because i think they will be able to provide me with more help and resources than a regular high school does anyone know of any high schools for pregnant girls in the los angeles area? it would be grately appreciated thank you.




  1. wow, that last comment was completely unproductive and ignorant.

    first, be sure that you really want to change schools.  yes, they do offer some services you won't find at a regular high school, but you're also losing alot.  Alot of these schools have less funding, a very small staff, inadequite facilities and poor testing scores.

    But if you choose to go you should contact your local planned parenthood center which could probably tell you what schools are closest, or simply call your old school and ask them.

    Good luck with finishing your education, and most importantly with motherhood!

  2. Talk to your counselor. They should have Cal-Safe somewhere in your neck-of-the-woods. Cal-Safe is supposed to help expecting teen parents transition into parenthood:

  3. Should have waited lmao

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