
High schools lacking proper education?

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I was watching Oprah today and she was talking about even the best students at certain schools can just as easily drop out of college because they never learned the basics in high school. Also, the conditions of certain schools, segregation, and the effort teachers and students put forth in making the school better. I personally think there needs to be a change in lots of our schools in this nation. Kids think they're on top when they are acutally on the bottom & they are doing everything they can to better themselves. Do you agree?




  1. yeup its true, but i think because there are so many distractions in this country so much violence that kids become a certain way from the enviroment. But I think kids should take advantage of all the books and tools that they give them ,but they seem to have less interest ,then the children from the past even though they didn't have all the supplies they needed. I think some kids now are just spoiled and s****. and thats why they think they can depend on others to fill their need and wants, when they dhould be learning how to take care of themselves and educating themselves.

  2. American schools do not teach anything correctly, people can't even spell the words "mum" and "colour"! I wonder why Asians and Russians are so smart...

    Edit: I am not being racist, but tell me, why are they producing rocket scientists and olympic athletes at age 6, and all america can produce are 6 year old obese dumbasses!

  3. i thought it was a known fact American schools are horrible....

    america's test scores have been dropping for years.

  4. My school district is one of the best in the country... but there is always the black sheep and a school close by to mine is one of them.

    The school is known around the district as a "jock school" because of their terrible academics and emphasis on sports. They have frequent drug arrests...

    Anyway, their honor students are C students at my school, where academics is #1.

    However, it is really up to the student as to their grade situation.

    Beth, stop being pushy. What you say will not make people vote Democrat.

    And Yoda... your racist generalizations and lack of worldwide knowledge clearly indicate that YOU were not an A student in school. In America, we call our mothers "Mom" and spell "colour" without the u. Get over it.

  5. It is pretty obvious that the American public school system has failed many kids. I used to work for a non-profit and it was amazing the number of high school graduates with terrible penmanship who couldn't spell the most basic words on their essays for assistance.

    I've seen brochures put out by small businesses in the area with typos. I've seen "anouncement" boards.

    I do feel the no child left behind nonsense is partially to blame.

  6. UGH....

    i just finished 5th grade and on my state test we had questions

    that we knew NOTHING about

    a lot of my friends' parents are taking them out of the school

    cause it lacks to much...

    also we(me and a few of my friends) were put into a class at the beginning of the year and settled in...after 4 months or so we were taken out of that class and put into another class(to make room for a full class of English learners)with other from 4th and 5th

    there we were given 2 subs for 1 week each until we got a steady teacher but that teacher would kick the desks and yell at us a lot...(i know that may not seem true but it is)and was accused of grabbing a child by the arm...after that she quit and we got a good teacher along with another full time teacher to help we got 2 good teachers lol

    and 2 of our school's office assistants were fired because they dont speak Spanish...

    one of them were already replaced and we had to fight to get the other's job back

    haha i just wrote a whole rant probaly no1 gonna read lol

  7. Well some schools do lack better education, but I aslo believe it is up to the student to want to know more than they are learning in high school, by taking harder classes, because I'm in high school, but I'm also taking college classes, but my school offered it, so if a high school offeres higher level classes, and the student can handle it than I believe they should take them...

  8. My wife and I saw that today.  We are both middle school teachers.

    NCLB needs to die, die, die, and Oprah was right in saying that parents need to stand up to the lawmakers and the school board to demand better.  h**l, their taxes pay our salary...why not get your moneys worth?

  9. You can't wait until high school to realize that there is a problem and there is a lack of understanding with parents as to what their children need to succeed.  Also to few parents actually advocate for their own child they would rather leave it up to the teacher because they are either intimidated by the teachers or they lack basic know how to advocate for their child.  There is also a serious lack of services for children with learning disabilities and they are the ones most likely to drop out for lack of services to help them succeed.  This is also a way that parents are not helping their children I advocate for children with LD's and there are a lot of time where I have to fight with the parent to get them to acknowledge that their child has a problem.  Even parents who child is going to be left back for the second or third time doesn't want to acknowledge that their child isn't learning the way that their brain needs to learn.   We still have a very long way to go in this country to convince people that having a learning disability does not mean developmentally delayed.  That most children and adults who are learning disabled are also highly intelligent and if they aren't they at least a have an average IQ of 100 or better.  People accept that being blind or deaf does not mean that a person doesn't have a normal IQ we have to accept that same premise for people with LD's and to make sure that they learn the way that their brain works.  We in this country are throwing away a huge source of talent and brains by not educating these chidlren so that they will succeed.

  10. This has been a problem for a really, really long time.  One of the main causes is lack of funding.  The government chips away each year at the money schools get.  Don't vote Republican.  And write your Congressman.

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