
High <span title="school??????????????????????????">school???????????????????...</span>

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im not asking :what is high school like"?? im just askin what i need to do to prepare myself.




  1. Harder classes, more homework, horrible drama, awesome parties. It&#039;s a mishmash of a lot of great, and a ton of horrible things. Get ready, it&#039;ll be h**l going through it but you&#039;ll love looking back on it once it&#039;s over.

  2. take your classes seriously...

    try to read your notes every night (although that will porbably be at the least every onceina while) even if you dont havea  test or quiz comming up just  so that you can refresh yoursel fon what youve just learnt.

    dont be afraid to ask teachers questions.

    dont procrastinate. this will make your highschool years soooooo much easier. if you get a project to do and you dont have much else to do then do it. (even if its due in another 3 weeks) do it when you have the chance. you have to be reposnbile for properly managing your time! it will help you out sooo much

    dont be afraid to cry in school if you feel like you just need to.

    have fun. try new things.(only good things that arent illegal!) dont be afraid to make new friends and meet new people

    try not to do whateveryone else does or wears. be yourself. dont give in to peer pressure. if you have morals, stick by them.

    only be around people who make you feel good. dont scarifice alot of things jsut to hang out with the &quot;popular kids&quot;.

    dont hate your teachers, theyre people too. you might, believe it or not, find a good friend.

    study hard and be focused, but rmemeber to have fun and laugh. and of course:

    eat well


    brush and floss

    that will all help you get through highschool and wherever else you want to go in the future!

  3. Im not trying to be funny or rude in anyway but high school is just like junior high with more puberty and better parties. I dont think there really is a way to prepare just do all your homework and have fun dont stress it, trust me I&#039;m a senior.

  4. just get ready to feel more responsibitliy and more work.. and more decision making thats what its all about

    then theres the fun stuff


    hope this helps

  5. Just be yourself. Don&#039;t be afraid of high school.

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