
High voltage gen. I'm trying to learn the high voltage/high freq. side of hobby electronics.?

by  |  earlier

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I just started tinkering again and currently would like to build a high voltage "plasma speaker". I’ve seen videos everywhere but not the theory or schematics. Please bare with this- I have two ignition coils and two flybacks, plenty of power supplies and the little components everyone has stored up. I need some direction, somewhere to start. p.s. the guy in me wants huge arcs to impress the wife so I’ve been thinking of a dual ignition coil Jacobs ladder but I believe she would let me off the hook for the price tag on a "speaker" with a 3-4 inch gap. Thanks for your time!!!




  1. I read something  way back about using a transformer from a neon sign for a Jacobs ladder. They are pretty common as bar signs, maybe you can call a local beer distributor and  find one were the sign is broken but the transformer is good .

    ( I would rather bare with your wife , I don't mind bearing with you  , lol  )

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