
Higher Derivatives problem?

by  |  earlier

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Need to find the 4th derivative of:

f(x) = sin(lnx)dx

I got to the second derivative but I do not think it is correct. This is what I got as the second derivative:

f''(x) = -sin(lnx)(x^-2)-cos(lnx)(x^-2)

Also, if anyone knows of a TI-83 program or online program that does derivative please let me know. I'm in calculus 2 and doing this sort of thing again has been a drag.




  1. f(x) = sin(lnx)

    f '(X) = sinx/xlnx

    f ''(x)= (xlnxcosx -(lnx+1) sinx)/(xlnx)^2

    go on in the same way.

  2. You simply use the chain rule, which states that df(g(x))/dx = f'(g(x))*g'(x)

    f(x) = sin(lnx)

    f'(x) = cos(lnx)*(1/x) = cos(lnx)*x^-1

    And now you use the multiplication rule, which states that

    df(x)g(x)/dx = f'(x)g(x) + g'(x)f(x)

    f'(x) = cos(lnx)*x^-1

    f''(x) = -sin(lnx)*x^-1*x^-1 + cos(lnx)*-x^-2

           = -sin(lnx)*x^-2 - cos(lnx)*x^-2

    In other words, you were doing it right.

    f'''(x) = -cos(lnx)*x^-3 + 2sin(lnx)*x^-3 + sin(lnx)*x^-3 + 2cos(lnx)*x^-3

           = cos(lnx)*x^-3 + 3sin(lnx)*x^-3

    f'''(x) = -sin(lnx)*x^-4 - 3cos(lnx)*x^-4 + 3cos(lnx)*x^-4 - 9sin(lnx)*x^-4

           = -10sin(lnx)*x^-4


    I'm reasonably sure that's right, but I'd check it before I used it if I were you.

  3. f'(x) = [cos(lnx)]/x

    f''(x) = -[sin(lnx) + cos(lnx)]/x^2

    f'''(x) =[ -xcos(lnx) - xsin(lnx) + 2x[sin(lnx) + cos(lnx)]]x^4

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