
Higher expectations.?

by  |  earlier

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do you think todays world has higher expectationg than say 50 years ago? even less?

i think so, today thanks to new inventions (especially in the communications) with internet and satellites, the world seems to easily have access with any information, this is causing school to up the bar in education and its also leveling the playing field in the international economy as the small companies can compete at a international scale just like the big dogs. whats your opinions, feel free to throw anything out, im open minded :)




  1. I would say that Geo-economics is a huge factor in this expectation shift. I'm in California and I can say that you can definitely see the result here, the highly educated have ever increasing wealth. And the moderately educated have depleting wealth.

    The wealthy are paying more for education and burdened with higher expectations.

    the middle class is all but gone

    The poor are working harder than the rich, but cannot afford education.

    This is an economic issue of global proportions.

  2. It seems to me that expectations are lower now than they were 50 years ago.  Never mind about all the new inventions.  The basics of education are being overlooked now.  When I was in school (1950 - 1962) even the dumb kids could read, write, spell, and do arithmetic.  People who didn't learn were held back until they DID learn.  Any punishment that I got in school was nothing compared to what happened to me when I got home.  We knew we had to sit down and pay attention to the teacher because the teacher would call our parents immediately.  Seems to me that the expectations of a lot of today's parents are extremely low..  
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