
Higher pay for teachers...obama/hilary?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike im studying to become a teacher right now.(elementary to be exact) and ive always known that the teacher's salary isnt as high as anyone thinks its SHOULD be...but the thing that me, my classmates and teachers dont get is that, teachers are literally at the top of the "vocation ladder"....we ARE the ones who TEACH the doctors, lawyers, and all those other jobs who gets a WAY GREATER pay than a im not saying that we should get a higher pay than them, they are obviously much needed in this world but we should be up there where they are...teachers ARE the ones who got them to where they are and we get nothing out of it...without teachers, where would the doctors and lawyers got their knowledge from? definitely not from reg. the president commerials obama and hilary say they will help the teachers, but will they really?? i really hope/wish that by the time i graduate and start teaching, that the salary is a whole lot better then it is right now...agree???




  1. Yes I agree, but pay for teachers is delegated to the states, not the Federal government. Poor states, poor salaries.

  2. If you really want better pay and conditions for teachers, your greatest enemy is the teachers' unions who are against merit pay, vouchers, and just about any program you can name that would create competition in the schools and create choice for students. Both Hillary and Obama are in the pockets of the unions. Voting for either will be a vote against your best interest.

  3. Perhaps if you want to become a teacher you should learn capitalization.

  4. Please do not start out your teaching career 'hoping' that the salary situation will change!  It is what it is.   If that is such a concern to you now before you even start teaching, consider another field.

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