
Highest alcoholic drink percentage for like £3.00?

by  |  earlier

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me and my mate have got like £3.00 each so thats £6.00 altogether

what drink can we buy that would get us drunk?

and we mean off our heads

with like 30 % alcohol in it or something

any idea's? needs to be fairly cheap aswell

anything appart from cider, smirnoff ice & lambrini would be helpful :) thanks




  1. I'm in the States, so assuming 6 sterling is like $12, you should be able to get a 200ml of decent scotch (Dewars white label) for that price. I think that would be around 4 or 5 shots worth. And I bet that Scotch is cheaper there.

    Here, you can also get a 1/2 fifth of decent bourbon for that price, but I think it might be more expensive where you are, because you have to import it.

    Now if you don't care what you drink, I'd suggest malt liquor. Do they have that where you are? You can probably get a 40 for less that $3 so for 3 pounds, you can get 2 40s.

    That'll probably get you hammered.

  2. Champagne, lots and lots of champagne... ask your mum for a loan... xx

  3. tilt or 2/11

  4. Two bottles of red wine 12% or over.

  5. save your pocket money for a few more weeks then you might be able to get something nice and strong

  6. Tesco own brand-vodka! Rocket fuel!!!

  7. Some Lidl Gin, or any other paint thinner based spirit

  8. You can get a quarter bottle of c**p vodka for about £2.99 in most places. They're called quarter bottles, but they're actually just over that. It depends how tolerant you are. Check for prices, most percentages are on there too.

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