
Highest paying jobs in S. Korea

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I live in the U.S and I was wondering what are the highest paying jobs in South Korea -- i was considering moving over there and being an english teacher // but i want to know if there's anything that pays better and doesn't take that long in college since i wanna move there young like in my 20' and yes i will be attending college in the U.S.




  1. my brother is currently an english teacher in seoul, korea (23 years old; being an english teacher only for summer and will be back to u.s)

    and he gets payed a decent amount

    so in my opinion, be an english teacher in korea

  2. dentists, medical doctors, oriental doctors(acupuncturists), lawyers, pilots, fund managers, CEOs and CFOs of big companies(LG, Samsung) and etc.

  3. Sure there are jobs - some of them high-paying.  The problem though is that unless you happen to be a Korean citizen, you have to jump through all sorts of hoops to legally work here.  The largest exception is for English teachers.

    Currently, most schools are paying in the neighborhood of $2000 to $2300 per month as a salary (doesn't sound like that much but when you consider that taxes are virtually nil and most schools pay most if not all of your bills for you, you'll see that it's actually not bad) but there are some ways if tweaking that higher.  Some teachers to this by accepting private students, but this can be dangerous as it's illegal and could get you deported and/or fined.  You could shop around for a higher salary (they appear sometimes) or gravitate to less desirable locales (such as villages far from Seoul or Busan) where salaries almost have to be higher just to attract teachers.  

    You can also teach for a few years in Korea, get an online Masters degree in TOEFL (or equivalent) and then teach with that in the Persian Gulf.  That's where the real money is as an ESL teacher.  Salaries in Dubai and Bahrain are frequently over $40K (with zero taxes and tons of fringe benefits) and can be over $50K in Saudi Arabia (though you pay for that in a lower quality of life).

  4. Of course Doctor what else?

  5. president

  6. What splash posted.

    ESL teachers dont get paid alot. They do have the status of being labeled a child molester by most korean parents though .

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