
Highlander The Source: Why was this movie even made!?

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I just got one question. Who in their right mind would write the script to this movie and actually think to themself, "Wow, this is a really good movie!" And on top of that, what movie studio would read that script and think to themself, "Wow, this is a really good movie!" Really, that was probably the worst Highlander movie I've ever seen. What were your thoughts on this dud of a movie? When are they just going to give the rights to the franchise to someone who can actually make a decent Highlander movie, and bring some conclusion to the story? I mean, I want to like Highlander, I really do. But with trash like this, it's just so hard.




  1. They should just re-release the original movie every few years. It would probably do better at the box office.

  2. Amen! I'm a big fan of Highlander, but I won't even buy that one until it's on the 4.99 rack.

  3. i haven't seen it yet, but it had so many problems being edited again and again.

    adrian paul said in a pre production interview that it is going to be the best of the highlander films. (at the 2  minute mark)

    i enjoyed "endgame", but they should have left it at that.

  4. In its defense, movies don't start out as what you ever seen on screen.  They are shot in sequence and then edited to death.  

    No except the director and the editor really knows how good, or in this case, bad, a movie will be until the finished product is shown to them.

    This is one that could have been edited down to like two minutes and been a better movie than the waste of my life for trying to follow it as long as I did before shutting off the DVD player.  

    Likely the only reason they released (was straight to video should have been our first clue; no theater wanted to show it) it at all is because someone sunk a lot of money into making it and they hoped that it would coast as much as it could on the "Highlander" name and actors to at least try to recoup part of their investment and we, the unsupecting public, were duped into renting it on DVD.

    What they should do in this case, as it is a cult classic and the fans of it know more about what they want than a paid writer that might not really even like the subject, would be to hold a fan-fiction contest for the top half dozen to be considered as a contenders for being the next movie.

  5. It was made to make money.

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