
Highschool Track 400?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike a pretty good hih school athlete and the other day i went dow nto the track wihout running track a day in my life and ran the 400 m in 54 i play soccer and baseball and in fairly decent shape but never really trained for anything...if i trained at it and worked at it do yu think i can get it under 50 seconds or is 4 seconds too muchtime to make up thanks...and no dumb asnwers please..i just want serious responses




  1. I think that wearing spikes is worth 2 seconds on a 400, so theoretically you could have run a 52.

    With training and learning how to run the 400 you should be able to run a sub 50.

  2. Yes.  If you can run 54 seconds and have never trained for the 400m then you can probably break 50 seconds or come very close.  Spikes alone and some serious competition will probably take 2 seconds off your time. Proper training, coaching and motivation on your part can take another 2 seconds off.  Running under 50 is a good achievement but it sounds like you have the necessary talent.

  3. Of course you COULD drop 4 seconds...just depends how long you have to do it.

  4. If you truly can run a 54 w/o any training then you should be able to take off the time with good training. join track in the spring and see. Even if you cant, 54 is still a good time.

  5. With proper shoes, training, competition, etc, you shouldnot have a problem with taking 2 seconds off quickly from your time.  With more advanced training, you may even be able to get sub 50.  You did not state your age in here.  The 400m is a grueling race, but if you train you can do it.  Coaching is pretty key.  Knowing what I know now, I could have been at least 2 seconds faster in my time and I made the finals in the 400m.  I had a pretty good coach, but he did not know the mechanics so I battled shin splints and knee issues which I don't have anymore.  Running mechanics are going to trump many training techniques that you will see at 90% of the high schools out there. . .

    Good Luck!

  6. wht year are u going into?

  7. 4 seconds is a lot of time, especially in a sprint like the 400. But I would say that if you train hard, then yes u can get it to about 50 seconds. Ive seen people cut up to 8 seconds off of their 400 time, so 4 seconds should be no problem for an athlete like you.
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