
Highschool advice anyone?????

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im starting highschool next week, im so nervous about everything any advice about highschool please? i know all that stuff to be myself thats not the problem , im just nervous cause its highschool & i've heard mostly negative stuff about h.s so please help.. mind sharin your stories please? it would help




  1. you're either gonna love highschool or hate it.

    and that's pretty much decided by the end of the first week.

    so be outgoing and fun.

  2. It surely depends on what you make of it.

    but after a while of it you'll develop friends, rivals, and the worst of all enemies.

    Making those decisions in high school will go along with you in life no matter what.

    But best of all you'll have that special group that you can go to when you need a helping hand of anything about that special person you have a crush on.

    All together, high school haves its ups and downs depending on your actions.

    Oh yea, keep your head up and never let anyone discourage you what you need to take care of on your priorities that are more impotent first.

    Have a nice time at high school. :)

  3. So i'm in my second year of highschool now.

    I'm in mexico, so obviously it's a little different from the U.S.

    but overall:

    MAKE NEW FRIENDS! entering highschool can be really overwhelming..and upperclass men aren't exactly always nice.

    Make new friends, but always keep the old! Get involved in a lot of things. High school is one of the most important times in your life.

    Highschool determines whether you get into college or not.

    So make wise choices. Don't give in into peer presure.

    Stay strong. Don't be shy to speak up in class. Join clubs. Join sports. Get involved!

    and just enjoyy!

    cuz it goes by WAY TO QUICKLY!

  4. Well honestly, high school will be some of the best and worst times of your life. For one thing, its awkward as all get-out, and you'll make mistakes and make a fool of yourself all the time. However, on the other hand you're going to make friends who really will last a lifetime if you want them to. I'm still friends with my high school buddies, and I'm knee-deep in marriage and college.

    Just remember to not worry so much about your social life, and keep your concentration on school too. If you have other priorities than what other people think of you, your experience will be much better.  

  5. Hang out with different types of people, don't settle on a certain group of friends (a clique).  I did that, and thoroughly enjoyed HS.

    The ones that didn't were in cliques that weren't "accepted", it seems.  Heck, I even made friends among those, everyone has something to offer.

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