
Highschool advise????

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so im a 13 year old girl and next year im going to highschool and i just dont know wat to think im excited but yet im worried..... Any advise to start my freshman year good???




  1. I was a freshman this year. And i had the same worries you must likely did. Will i fit in? Will it be really hard? But you will make friends. And yes it is a lot harder than middle school but you will get through it. So just make sure you have some friends because you will need them. and dont get on anyones bad side =]

  2. im in my first year of highschool and was just as nervous as you.  don't worry, take it slow, don't gossip, respect your teachers, and just ease into highschool.  i thought it was so scary at first, but then i realized about a week in that teachers realize that your a freshman and go easy on you.  good luck!

  3. High school is awesome. It's normal to be nervous when you first start, but you'll be fine. I'm a junior now (11th grade) and I love it, my school is awesome. It's fairly small and I really like it, it's fun.

  4. The first day of high school is the most important day of your entire life. It defines who you are as a human being, and if you mess up, you can never ever get it back.

  5. Well, I'm a freshman this year, and I thought I was gonna have  rough time with homework and band, but it turned out to be sooo easy. Dont let teachers freak you out because they sure did scare me. Your gonna do fine, just as long as you stay on track with your school work. Just remember that you have friends going through the exact same thing. You can always look to them for support.

  6. Chillax! if u just act normal itll go fine. high skool will b awesome, its not like da S**t u c in movies its better

  7. Get involved with sports, music or drama club.  Continue to make good choices with friends and get good grades.  Stay on top of your homework, and ask a trusted older friend - and I mean trusted - where the bad hangout places are at school and avoid them.  My son and daughter both knew what areas of the school to avoid to stay away from bully situations and drugs.  

    They had four good years of high school and lots of great memories with friends, and had a couple teachers that they really liked - by doing all of the above.

    It is going to be very different from the middle school, lots more homework and the juniors and seniors think they are kings and queens - fortunately, my kids had some older friends, which was a big help.

    Good luck and enjoy!

  8. I'm in high school now, and its so much better than grade school. Every one is worried at first about being scared and what not, but don't worry its more fun than it us scary. Just make sure not to bad mouth the bigger, older kids, and try to make friends with them even. The more friends you have in high school, the better it will go for you. that means the more people that have your back.

    So in conclusion, don't be scared of high school. go with the flow, make friends, and don't bad mouth people. Oh, and get involved with as many sports as you can. It will make people respect you more. Hope that helped

  9. yea dont go around talkin s**+**

  10. im going to be a freshman too.

    my older friends said dont worry, the pressure comes off after the first few days. Hold your head up high and look foward to everything that the school has to offer. Its all about the attidue

  11. I am in the same situation as u!  I am 13 and I am also excited but worried to go into highschool next year!  My advice for you and also me is to try your hardest and don't take in c**p from anyone older than you!  Trust your instincts and don't get into the wrong crowd hang out with the friends you trust!

    Good Luck!

  12. I told my daughter when she was starting high school that it would be different for her in a lot of ways but it was a good different and to embrace all that she could.  High school is really going to be the best years of your life so far and you will have a lot of first there, you will grow more as an individual and become more independant.  You have the chance to belong to a variety of clubs, sports, etc and have fun.  Mine is now a sophmore and says it keeps getting better.  These are the years of school you will remember when you get older so study hard and have fun.

  13. Yeah, don't get involved with gossip...but above all that, don't get too into guys, I know it feels like it is the last time you will have that chance...WRONG! I am 24 and just as many guys try to talk now as in highschool, don't get grown too fast!

    Get into SGA, don't miss homecommings, Join as many clubs as possible, the work is going to seem it anyway! Make friends, new friends

    High school can be very fun, make the best of it, and get al A's!
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