
Highschool freshman, confidence,advice etc.?

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Hey, everyone in a couple of weeks I'm going to highschool, and I'm a freshman. How should I approuch people when I meet them?

What should I SAY?

I want to be super confident and everything.

any stories and stuff you can tell me that you did?

and know you love where you are?

please help I want to make friends!




  1. haha lol well um be yourself and just start convorsations up i do it all the time in wal-mart lol well i'm crazi but be yourself and have fun lol XD

  2. just go to someone in one of your classes and talk small talk. if someone needs help, try to help. there was this one girl and she was terrible in math. the second day of the school year i went up to her and said just come in during lunch and ill help you out. she got an a in math because i tudered her. we r bffs now.

  3. When your walking down the halls. Play a song in your head. A song that makes you feel like a total diva or like your you and no one can judge that. For me its Too Cool For School- Scotty Vanity.

    Then if you see someone who looks like they are good friend material do what I do smile at them then walk over and say hi. With me I just say "you wanna be my friend" works every time for me anyway. Try it!

    Forget the seniors. If the got a problem with you just cuz your a freshmen they are total losers or jerks who were probably picked on their freshmen year.

  4. you'll be fine... join a club and participate in school activities... it'll be fun

  5. I just started high school myself (August 4th) and let me tell you, it's a much more laid-back situation than middle school. Trust me. When you enter high school it may seem a little hectic and scary at first, especially socially, but you'll find that you'll be able to get through it with ease.

    If you see someone you want to talk to, just go up to them and start a conversation. It's much easier than you think to approach people. In middle school it's harder (only God knows why) but now that you're going into high school it'll be SO much easier to talk to others.

    The first day of school, I made two friends, both in my 1st period Chem-Phys class. Their names are ReyAnne and Amber. I sat between the two of them and just started a conversation with them while we were waiting for the annoucements to start. Then, at lunch, I started a conversation with a girl named Anoosha, who was standing behind me in line. We're good friends now.

    Trust me, it's easier and more fun to make friends in high school. Just be calm, happy, and energetic, and when you talk to people, you'll also end up drawing others to you.


  6. Don't conform. Make friends with people who stay out of trouble. You don't want friends that drink or do drugs. Other than that you should be fine.

  7. dont over think high school dont try to hard it just make things worse and dont hang around stupid people you really dont like just because your scared you not going to find new friends  what should say how bout hello or hi keep it simple besides there not much try to talk except during lunch and gym

    i met most of my friends because of sports i joined. the more you do around the school the more your known and the more they'll wanna get to know you sometimes you dont even realize when you've made a friend because you hang out so much around school it just comes naturally

    ** oh how not to annoy seniors is (class of 08) dont think your better then them but do keep in mind not to get pushed around when i was a senior i liked freshman that ask me simple advice question example is history class hard dont try to get gossip from them right away your a freshman you dont get to known yet

    ps dont go to a party full of senior and junior and you make it worse if you bring more freshman and if you are invite ask if you can bring someone else dont think you can just bring someone

    last bit of advice dont get drunk your freshman year if you ask me some of the other advice people wrote is knida cheesy and unreal

  8. i started my freshman year a week ago. i was ok becouse i already had some sophmore and junior and a few senior friends. but from talking to them they laugh at freshman approaching them. i suggest if u want to make friends you stick to the  freshman side. i was worried too but dont worry you will be ok. and you know the wierdest thing is that sophmores and juniors and seniors they can tell the freshman apart. just be confident and be yourself. but unless you know som upperclass men dont aproach them becouse not everyone is nice. if you are interested in meeting upperclass let your freshman friends that know them introduce you or let them introduce themself.

  9. dont get into people's business, im going to be a freshman too, just be yourself, but dont be noisy and stuff, umm.. also you'll just make friends for who YOU are.. so just meet people in youur class by asking them a question, and then they can help you meet more people.

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