
Highschool has wrecked me...How can I move forward?

by  |  earlier

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I havnt got alot to complain about really when it comes to highschool. I was just never that popular, got **** off people every now and then and never had one girl fancy me. I was never on any sports teams, so it wasnt your ideal highschool "career". How can I move on in life? it has completely destroyed my self confidence and I hate the fact that thats what i have to look back on one day .....




  1. take it this way each peace of c**p you get from a person is one more opportunity to grow i havent finnished highschool yet but being the guy that always stands in the background being picked on has given me the chance to mature, trust me one day your going to be glad you werent one of those guys that had everything i know i will.

  2. now that you're out of school, get involved in hobbies and working.  keep an open mind.  don't let silly high school stereotypes or misconceptions stop you from socializing with people.  when you get to college, everyone will feel the same way.  get involved in activities.  within a few months i'm sure you'll be in a much happier place as long as you are around people.

  3. get involved with school activities. and meet new people.

    dont listen to those g*y *****. whats their opinion going to matter to you in a couple of years anyway.

    if it gets to stressfull. ask your parents for homeschooling.

  4. you don't have to hate the fact that you'll look back on it. cause when you do, you ll realize it was just four years of your life... many people believe that they had a not so great high school. don't let that feeling hang on to you! shake it off and keep smiling.. now that you're aware of that feeling, you ll be able to detect it early if it tries to return in some way in the bright future that you Will make and Can make.. and you ll know how to tackle it and deal with it..

    yes i do suggest you make a list of things that make you feel good and shake off that feeling of wreckedness... lets start here...

    go shopping...

    smile relentlessly...

    eat icecream...

    be firm with yourself ... and don't just go through these activities.. but while each activity is goin on, order yourself to just come out of any goddamn feelin of wreckedness...

  5. People that peaked in high school sometimes get a very large shock when they move out into the world.  They were surrounded by friends, good times and a safe secure place where they went everyday.  Then once that was removed, things go very wrong for them.  I wasn't that popular in high school and didn't hate it, but couldn't wait to leave.  Every now and then I'd see the big jock guy or the prom queen type and they always wanted to talk to me about how great high school was.  Well, that was then and this is now.  Forget then, it doesn't matter, it doesn't even exist!  Only Now matters, and the future.  Own the now and the future will follow.  As for self confidence, fake it.  Soon enough it will not be fake.

  6. Did you just graduate?

    You need to focus on what you want to do with your life and get busy doing it. Soon you won't even think about high school...I know I don't.

  7. So you just got out of highschool, one little building, and you are complaining about not finding a girl? There are 6 billion people in this world, man! You are bound to find a woman who you will love and will love you back. Man, I **** people off all the time. Sometimes people really just can't understand me and where I'm coming from and jerk me off too. More like all the time! I'm not like any one else and no boy has fancied me yet either. Remember that people are all wired differently. You need to give these things time. List things you like about yourself and then things you don't. First focus on the things you like. Then of the things you don't, make a new list of the things you want to and that can be changed. Then start working on it!

  8. Dude, I had the same problem.  If you can join any clubs in spetember, the join anyone that has your interest.  There will be people who will wanna be friends with you.

  9. but your post shows that  you have at  least one thing going in your favour - the ability to communicate well.  

    If you want to go on to new levels in education find out if there is college for adult students around.   The atmosphere in them is much more mature and less poisonous to those who don't fit into the narrow definitions of 'cool'.

    If that's not the way you want to go think about doing overseas work for a year or so.  There are quite a few sites on the web offering English as a Second Language teaching work. With your ablilty to communicate I think you'd find the qualifying courses easy and interesting

    The trick is to work out what interests you and then go for it.

    The world is much bigger, and more mature than High School.

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