
Highschool help!!!please easy 10 points

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ok i start school soon and i am really worried that this girl i went to school with last year might start rumors about me i think she was popular

she is in 11th grade i am in 10th

and there are over 1000 people in each grade

do u think that it is possible to send a horrible rumor

(this will be my first year at this school she went there all of 9 th grade and half of 10th and now she is going back again for 11th)




  1. It's always possible to start a rumor, no matter how many people are in your grade.  

  2. Here's the thing with rumors, you feed them if you react, so even if she does HOLD YOUR HEAD UP HIGH, DON'T let her get to you. And the most important thing not to do is dont start rumors about her just to get back at her. It will only make you look shallow and conceited.  

  3. unfortunately we can't control what people think or say about us, and often it does not correspond to the truth. i know for a fact that, especially in high school, the more you seem bothered about a rumor, the more it spreads. if you just laugh at the ridiculous things some people can come up with, the girl will be frustrated and it will be over with. be confident and no one should mess with you.

  4. These things are always possible. But, I don't think you should worry depending on how long it has been since you have contacted her. Chances are if it wasn't too recent she'll probably forget about it. I wouldn't worry to much. And, Rumors are always just Rumors.

  5. How do you start a rumor about somebody just coming into a high school without looking stupid.  Answer: you can't.  Starting rumors about people coming to a new school makes you look petty and foolish infront of your friends, especially if your the only one who knows them.  Even if she hates you she can't make people who haven't met you hate you too.

  6. Its possible she might try but why would she want to start rumours? Regardless, theres alot of people so just ignore those who are trouble

  7. she might but dont worry bout it  just tell everybody how the girl is before he gets there and now everybody will kno wat type of gurl she is

  8. ok first you guys should grow up not to be mean but come on this is like middle school stuff, tell her she needs to grow up and find something better to do like get a life, and if she does start rumors, forget her..try to be the bigger person and if you cant then just get her back...

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