
Highschool in South Africa?

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Did your parents approve of your friends and relationships when you were a teenager?




  1. I grew up in a small town, where everybody knew everyone else (well almost). And so my parents knew most of my friends and their families etc.  No secrets there. But when I visited my sister in Cape Town, then I had a few blind dates arranged by my sister. I am sure my parents would not have approved of those ous.

  2. Of most fortunately yes

  3. I had a Goth friend in High parents hated her......because for obvious reasons. But that did not make me end the friendship. We are still friends today, obviously she is not a goth anymore.

  4. Dont know if they appoved it all the time. I was in bording school and had my own flat on stilts, we lived in Marloth Park, and had people over all the time. Use to get really drunk so think they might have disliked that. My mom also caught me smoking there. When I was 17 I had a 21 year old girlfriend and my parents did not seem to mind that at all.

  5. They didn't have a say about my friends or boyfriends when I was a teenager. They stuffed me into a boarding school when I was 13. They didn't know what I was doing there and I didn't give a hoot what they thought of my friends. They couldn't stop me. I was a serious rebel then and still am today, as far as they are concerned.

  6. Some of the time.... but of course most relationships were kept a secret as I was put in an all girl school because my mom said :" Boys are bad ".... I should've listened.

  7. Eek Ferrari man I should have read your question before posting mine ;-) They are a bit similar. Coming up with specific questions is difficult... especially at 1am :-) Maybe I'll think of a better question when I wake up.

    Apart from my surfer dude I think my folks approved of my other high school boyfriends. I only had a handful and none of them were serious, more friends than anything else, so I don't think they worried too much. My parents love all my close friends, my best friend (since we were in grade 2) was orphaned in high school and they treat her like another daughter.

  8. Yes they did, I tried my best to always hide of the fact I was dating because it just caused problems but when you reach a certain age, it doesn't matter what you parents think because your the one in love not your folks.

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