
Highschool jitters!!!! big time

by Guest58113  |  earlier

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omg!!! im so excited 4 my first year of highschool 2 start!!!!!! but wat do i need??? im so confused haha but wat eva il live so can ne one give me advice and tip plz!!!! and if u hav ne experience with volleyball and soccer let me no how that was too laterz ppl :D oh and thanks




  1. Just be yourself and people will like you for who you are

  2. Just relax! that's all i can say. Of course you will be scared and nervous, but that's just cuz its a new school. I haven't heard of anyone getting picked on, so i wouldn't worry about that. And if older kids are mean to you, remember that it is just school and if they want to be mean to little kids then they deserve no friends at all. I think school bullies are ridiculous  

  3. High School's awesome. First of all... be respectful to others.. don't make enemies. Respect your teachers and don't talk bad about them to anyone... they'll find out and it's not good. Go for classes that'll give you a challenge. Don't take your anger out on your friends.. always be there for them and they'll be there for you. If they're not.. they're not your friends. Get involved in some extracirricular activities.. and don't worry.. you'll do fine. Also, learn how to spell... it may seem cool to talk like that online, but you don't want to s***w up your english papers with it.. teachers hate that. Good Luck! God Bless!

  4. don't worry about being nervous ! that will go away! it's not as bad as you may think. volleyball is very competitive in high school and so is soccer. you can count on lotttts of running in both, but it's still fun! just don't freak out about all the people in the high school that's what a lot of people tend to do, but just relax and think about it as just another year of schol. and as far as scchool supplies go just by basics like pencils and stuff because each teacher might want you to have something different. GOOD LUCK! you'll do fine in high school (:

  5. Chill out, be yourself everything else will follow through.  

  6. Highschool's a joke.  I was nervous the first day, but I got over it after a day.  It's really exciting at first, but then get's annoying.  And for sports, it depends where you go to school.  If your school is like mine, the sports aren't bad...we suck in every sport except for like golf and tennis.  But sports are great to be in, you'll have a blast!  Have fun, make a good first impression!

  7. You're in high school and still talking that way, Wat eva???? whats that about

  8. This will be the best part of your life-high school. Trust me. Start of to a good start, manage school work and friends and u will love high school. If you fall behind in classes u will hate it. Don't worry about anything though!! I know its exciting lol, but be normal. U will meet lots of ppl, and many of them will come to great importance in your life.

    Join as many teams as u can!! Its competitive and fun. I was on the soccer team and loved it. Get involved in the school and such. Its gonna a ride, before u know its over, so enjoy every bit of it and don't stress. =) good luckk!  

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