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In your gym class do you take your underware off when you change? Someone on here said they did, why you would do that is beyond me, or mabye our schools are diffirent here.




  1. Uh no, I only change my pants and shirt.

  2. ummm... not for gym class I didn't. But when I played volleyball I had to change underwear, becuase you can't wear normal underwear under spandex. but for normal gym class, no way. changing in the locker rooms was awkward enough as it was without taking off my underwear, thank you very much.  

  3. NEVER THAT... why would somebody do that???

    Well unless they are really really really or if they take a shower.

    But other than that... NOPE!!!! l0l

  4. No offense, but this is possibly the most disturbing question I've seen for a while.

    Edit:  I'm sorry if my answer offends, but look at it this way, no-one knows who you are.  You may be the nicest, most harmless person on Earth, on the other hand you might be a weirdo asking this question just for a kick.  For that reason it's creepy.

  5. Nope

  6. i don't take gym anymore, but no, i don't believe i ever took my underwear off when changing for gym class

  7. No, why would you bring 2 pairs of underwear? We just change shirts and pants and stuff.

  8. nope. i dont.

  9. HECK NO

    i would never flash the world that way

    its too personal

    why would you do that anyway....?

    beats me.

  10. 1. why lgbt?

    2. they better not....

  11. I have never gone to a school where you had to take off your under

    unless you are taking a shower then i guess you would

    but in most schools kids leave them on lol.

  12. um no, after swimming we shower in our bathing suits and if its just regular gym we dont take our underwear off, they used to i think, but no one at my school does

  13. I'm not in high school anymore but when I was I never took my undies off. There was never a need to when you're going from jeans to shorts.

  14. Honestly, I have never herd or seen anything like that. & I'm a junior at my high school. ha, that's a little different.

  15. No, I never did... I don't take gym class anymore tho. I was always self conscious in that class, I hated it..

    The only time I did take off my underwear was when we had to swim.. but that was in the gym bathroom stall thingy.

  16. no... that would be disturbing if everyone got naked

  17. no i don't... what would be the point?

  18. nope i dont take my underwear off

  19. heck no and this is just plain gross

  20. Not At All....

  21. Uh, no.

    I never did. I DID change from my jeans or whatever into gym shorts, but the undies stayed on.

    Why anyone would do that is beyond me...especially if their school had uniforms that had been around for years...

  22. Umm no.

  23. no...the only person that ever did was because he used to shower, but other than that no one did.

  24. lol, no.

  25. no i don't  

  26. No not in our school

    i don't know why my school has showers nobody uses them it's weird lol

  27. The only reason I can think of for taking underwear off is for when we're doing the swimming unit and we have to change into bathing suits. Other than that, there's no reason to.

  28. I live in England and we never take our underwear off when we change. We have to wear a Polo and shorts out on the field but we don't take everything off underneath! What would happen if your shorts were pulled down by one of your friends or something? Oh, the shame!

  29. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW... Gee thanks for reminding me I just saw an over wieght girl in a red THONG in my schools bathroom today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHH SKARRD FOR LIFE  She was changing for volley ball or something bleh ew ugh ualsk; fjasl;fjasfkl;sja  And no i don't remove my under wear

  30. They are weird...I never had too but I would refuse if it was pressed against me

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