
Highschool question?

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Hey, im goin into HS and i want 2 know wat its like - i mean, is it hard to find ur way around, and what are the guys like? stuff like that. Id luv to hear ur comments!!!




  1. You will learn how to find your way around within the first week of school./ The guys are as nice as they are in any other place.

  2. It's easy to find your way around if you don't waste time on the first day. Don't take time to stop and look around for someone you know. Guys are the same really, dorky. of course there are older hot guys but since you will have no classes in common they typically overlook you.

    answer mine?;...

  3. On whether it's hard to get around in, it depends on the size of your school. Mine is super easy to find your way around. There are only two levels and the middle school and high school are connected.

    Oh and most of high school boys are interested in older girls. Sorry on that one. :(

    At my high school, most all of the teachers let you cuss.

    Oh and a bad part is if you don't get homework turned in on the day it's due, it's an F. No second chance.

    You probably won't get a swirly like on movies, but upperclassmen probably aren't going to become your new best friend either. Ignore them if they're mean.

    Good luck!
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