
Highschool soccer questions?

by  |  earlier

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im a freshmen and this week (including today) i'm trying out for soccer. theres a ton of girls trying out... nearly 20 freshmen and about 45 or 50 girls altogether. what is ur advice for me to make a team (varsity, JV)? what can i do about my blisters? what kinds of foods should i be eating and when should i eat? some upperclassmen are really rude and cocky because there isnt really anyone trying out who sucks, which is going to make the competeion even harder. i really want this because soccer is really only my sport, but man its really tight and rough. also what should i do to make friends because i barely know anyone and i think that if i know them better they might pass the ball in scrimmages more and you know etc...

thanks in advance!!




  1. Why did you post this c**p in the football section?

    Soccer SUCKS!

  2. There is stuff called nuskin at most stores that works amazingly on blisters. Does hurt a bit though. Dont worry about making friends. Just get yourself open and check to the ball. Think of what you are going to do before you recieve the ball. Always look your coaches in the eyes and do a little bit more than everyone else. Eat pasta and fruit the night before. Very good for you and that's all i ate before highschool and college games.

  3. I think that you meant to categorize this question under the football (soccer) category.

    But anyways, just relax and keep focused. Eat foods that are high in protein, and drink lots of liquids. Ignore the cocky upperclassmen; everyone has to. And as long as you really want to play soccer, eventually, you will.

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